Yolk For Beautiful And Healthy Hair!

Use yolk as an addition to shampoo or on its own, and after a few weeks your hair will become incredibly nourished, shiny and velvety soft to the touch.

Did you know that egg hen’s egg great impact on the health and appearance of hair? If not, you should definitely try them out for everyday hair care.

Egg yolk undoubtedly belongs to the group of food products that not only have a beneficial health effect for our body, but are also a great recipe for beautiful skin and shiny hair. They provide us with many vitamins and minerals, without any chemicals.

Today we will tell you how to use yolk to wash your head. You can be sure that nothing will nourish, cleanse and moisturize your strands better than this simple, natural hair care remedy!

Egg yolk – it can’t be more natural!

Eggs have long been one of the essential elements of any healthy diet. Although criticized by many for their high cholesterol content, they are a real treasure trove of valuable nutrients.

Even nowadays, chicken eggs are one of the most natural products of animal origin. Unlike milk and meat – processed, flavored and preserved, eggs have managed to retain their original form.

This fact is extremely important for our health. By the way, we have a completely natural, simple and reliable shampoo at home – yolk.

What does the yolk provide?

But why the yolk?

  • It contains B vitamins (B1, B3, B12, folic acid and biotin), as well as vitamins A, E and D.
  • It is rich in minerals such as selenium, zinc, phosphorus and iron.

Some ladies mix the yolk with their shampoo. In this way, they wash the head with their favorite product, but with the effect of much more nourished hair.

However, we will try to convince you that the yolk itself is a shampoo and not an addition to chemical care products.

What do we need?

  • One yolk, no protein leftovers. With long hair, we will need two yolks.

We recommend using free-range eggs. While they are a bit more expensive, you can be sure of their origin.

The smell of an egg usually disappears once your hair is dry, but if it really bothers you, you can mix the yolk with a few drops of flavoring oil. Here are some examples:

  • Tea tree – to remove dandruff.
  • Mint – refreshing effect.
  • Oranges and mandarins – sweet, pleasant aroma.
  • Lemon – for oily hair that is easily greasy.
  • Lavender – removes dandruff and has a relaxing effect.

How is it used?

  1. Put the yolk on wet or damp hair. Cover the entire length of your hair with it, gently massage your head and leave it for a minute.
  2. Then rinse with lukewarm water. It is very important not to use too warm water, because if at least a little protein is preserved, we will have to extract small, white particles from our hair.

Vinegar conditioner

Blond hair

If you are interested in only natural products, the next step will be an apple cider vinegar conditioner.

  1. We mix apple cider vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 5.
  2. If our hair is very dry, we add more vinegar, and if our hair is oily, more water.
  3. We rinse the hair with the prepared mixture and wash it again with water.

For extremely dry hair

Additionally, we should use a mask once a week or every 10 days. Preferably natural, for example based on yoghurt, avocado or ripe banana.

We can also avoid dry, split ends by applying a little coconut oil while the hair is still wet.

Other 100% natural shampoos

In other articles, we wrote about natural products that can act as a shampoo. It’s best if you try a few and choose the one that suits you best. A great choice will be:

  • Baking soda and apple cider vinegar : This is most likely the cheapest alternative. However, we do not recommend it for too dry hair.
  • Ghassoul Clay : This type of clay is used in Arab countries. It is used both for washing hair and scalp. It cleans exceptionally deeply and we do not have to wash the head as often as with other shampoos.

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