Would You Like To Have A Flat Stomach? Meet The 3 Morning Drinks!

To be able to enjoy a flat stomach, instead of starving yourself, you should include meals and drinks in your breakfast that help you burn fat.
Would you like to have a flat stomach?  Meet the 3 morning drinks!

One of the most common goals of both women and men is to get rid of the excess fat that loves to “attack” the stomach.

This is not just a purely aesthetic problem – it can lead to health problems and serious consequences if action is not taken quickly enough.

If your belly has excessive amounts of fat, your internal organs are exposed to stress and irritation. When this problem becomes chronic it can cause serious heart disease.

Fat, especially around the waist, promotes the gradual production of cytokine, a type of protein that can cause insulin resistance.

As you can see, dreaming of a flat stomach should not only refer to the desire to be attractive. It is important that you start caring for your waist and move towards changing your diet.

Therefore, in today’s article, we give you a suggestion on how to start your day in the best possible way by drinking one of the natural drinks we recommend.

1. Lemonade with mint for a flat stomach

metabolism slows down with age

Scoop flat belly
  • In women, menopause also affects the condition. Lowering your estrogen and progesterone levels means your belly stores more fat that is harder to eliminate later.
  • Everything can be changed – the right diet will help you achieve your goal. So go ahead and eliminate processed foods entirely and add a natural drink to each breakfast.
  • Lemon, warm water and mint reduce irritation and hydrate the cells in the abdomen.

The diuretic and soothing effects, along with numerous antioxidants, make this natural juice an extremely powerful tool. Lemonade helps to eliminate unnecessary fluids, speeds up metabolism and promotes the removal of toxins.


  • 1 cup of warm water (200 ml)
  • 1 lemon juice
  • 1 mint leaf

How will you do this?

  • Start by squeezing a lemon. Then use a mortar to grind the mint leaf.
  • Add the mint and lemon juice to a glass of warm water.
  • If your stomach can’t handle whole lemon juice, try using half a lemon next time, or a little less.

Starting your day with this healthy juice will help you get a belly free of excess fat.

2. Cranberry, pineapple and pear juice

Cranberry juice

As you probably know, cortisol is a stress hormone. Some people lose weight faster when exposed to high levels of stress and anxiety. However, in others, the opposite reaction occurs.

This is due to the different effects of cortisol on the human body. However, most often this hormone causes fat cells to grow and increases their elasticity, especially around the abdomen.

The combination of these three fruits reduces the risk of this phenomenon:

  • Pineapple, for example, regulates the production of cortisol and contains bromelain, an enzyme that promotes easier digestion and fights flatulence.
  • Cranberry prevents numerous infections, and when combined with a pear, it minimizes nervousness and anxiety, while accelerating the metabolism for a healthier and flatter stomach.


  • 10 cranberries
  • a piece of fresh pineapple (125 g)
  • 1 pear
  • 1 cup of water (200 ml)


  • First, wash all ingredients thoroughly. Then, peel the pear, cut it into four pieces and chop the pineapple.
  • Add all ingredients to the blender: cranberry, pineapple and pear. Mix them well and add to a glass of water.

Always drink this drink in the morning.

3. Black coffee

coffee beans
  • It is worth noting that in order to benefit from the properties of coffee, you must not add white sugar, fatty milk or whipped cream.
  • Caffeine speeds up your metabolism due to thermogenesis. This helps to burn more calories and reduce the feeling of hunger thanks to effective antioxidants.

We are sure you will enjoy the prospect of adding a cup of coffee to your breakfast.

But remember: just one cup of coffee is a natural remedy for your arteries, your brain, and will help relieve your belly of excess fat.

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