Why Is Anger Bad For Your Health?

When we get angry, muscles and joints tighten, blood circulates more slowly in the body, and brain activity and the balance of the nervous, endocrine and blood systems are disturbed.
Why is anger bad for your health?

As the old saying goes, ” beauty anger  harms”, it turns out, however, that it can also harm our health. There is a very close relationship between our emotions and the body’s reactions. In today’s article, you will learn how  anger  affects your health and perhaps learn how to tame your nerves.

Anger  or irritation, and fear are the worst enemies of your body, heart and mind. They are believed to be the root of all evil, including many diseases. The influence of negative emotions on all reactions in the human body is still unknown, so let’s take a look at those that have already been scientifically proven.

Less anger = a longer and better life

A happy life is the best way to avoid pain, germs, and disease. You need to distance yourself from the reality that surrounds you and not to control your emotions so that the negative ones cannot affect your health.

It is not only about good manners or a positive attitude towards the world, but above all about the fact that avoiding emotions such as anger is the best medicine for your body.

Offended boy

When you get angry, your muscles and joints stiffen and tighten, your circulation slows down, and the natural balance in your nervous, bloodstream and endocrine systems is disturbed.

In addition, blood pressure and testosterone levels rise, heart rate increases, brain activity changes (especially in the temporal and frontal lobe), and the production of bile is also increased, which in turn goes to places in the body where it should not be found.

It has been proven that anger and irritation cause problems such as:


The emotional and physical stress caused by anger can contribute to problems with the functioning of the heart muscle, including heart attacks.

Liver damage

Anger causes the gallbladder to produce more bile than necessary. This substance is excreted through the bladder, which makes it particularly stressful in the period of increased emotional tension.

Muscle aches

It does not matter if the cause of stress and anger is your boss, partner, children or afternoon traffic jams – the reaction to negative emotions is an increased level of adrenaline, a hormone also produced in situations of strong anxiety. This can lead to pain and muscle cramps and headache.

The greatest tension is in the shoulders, neck and back, and these are the places where pain occurs most often.



Anger can provoke the so-called irritable bowel syndrome, manifested by diarrhea and colitis, among others. Stress, fear, tension and rage disrupt your intestines very easily.


Stomach problems are one of the most common complaints caused by anger and emotional tension. These include: acid reflux and stomach pain and burning.

If bouts of anger or stress are frequent, digestive acids can start irritating the stomach walls. This in turn can lead to further consequences, for example peptic ulcer disease.

Skin problems

Itching, burning or rash can also be associated with the influence of negative emotions on your body. Skin problems can be caused by stress, emotional tension, anxiety, anger or fear. These emotions also make wounds heal more slowly and make it easier to get infected.


Anger and irritation and your health

Of course, each of us is different, and while there are people among us who do not have a problem with being calm, others tend to get angry more easily. However, it should be remembered that our negative emotions not only harm our health, but also affect our environment.

We feel nervous for many different reasons, and a lot depends on the individual psychological characteristics of each person. It is known, however, that when problems pile up and we stifle our emotions, it is easier to get a spectacular outburst of anger.

An angry person may raise their voice or even scream, which is actually a healthy response as suppressing anger can have many further mental and physical consequences.

How to Avoid Negative Emotions?

The key is to control your emotions and reactions. Life is very fast these days, so it’s no wonder that sometimes we get upset by really small things. We often forget that it is worth waiting a while and rethinking our behavior so as not to get too carried away by our emotions.

At some point, we get the impression that the whole world is against us – we stand in traffic for hours, we cannot cope with the load of work, we have financial problems, we do not get along with other people … Nevertheless, we should not let our anger take over over our life.

Now you may think that “easier said, harder to do”, but believe that gradually changing your habits can have a remarkable effect. Take at least 10 minutes a day to reset your mind.

As? Try relaxation techniques, breathing exercises, meditation or yoga, or just sit in a quiet place with a good book and a cup of tea.


An ideal place to rest and relax is a clean and tidy room with a pleasant scent of incense or essential oils. Believe in the power of relaxing music – sounds of nature, classical music or music for meditation is a really great choice if you want to clear your mind.

Close your eyes, breathe deeply through your nose and feel the positive energy flowing over you.

As you feel your anger rising and an impending outburst, try to recall the feeling you feel during these everyday moments of relaxation. Breathe slowly and mentally count from 10 to 1. Do your best not to get carried away, and your irritation and anger will slowly leave you.

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