Wasp Sting – Home Pain Relievers

Summer has its strengths, warm temperatures, sunshine and holidays. We also think about relaxing by the lake or in the park. Irritating insects, such as wasps, can appear everywhere. Wasp bites can cause pain and swelling. How to deal with it using home remedies?
Wasp sting - home remedies to relieve pain

A wasp sting is not only the pain and swelling that we fear so much. We should also remember that in many cases allergic reactions may occur. Fortunately, both of these symptoms respond positively to home treatment. Let’s get to know the most effective, natural solutions.

Pain caused by wasp stings usually disappears on its own after a few hours. However, there are those who seek remedial measures to minimize it immediately, as pain is too much discomfort and burden.

If we are not experiencing an allergic reaction, the only bothersome symptoms will be swelling and pain. In turn, allergic reactions caused by these types of stings require immediate medical attention.

Fortunately, these types of reactions are rare and in most cases we will manage discomfort and pain naturally with home remedies and basic care.

In the following, we present you some interesting suggestions.

Wasp sting – pain and useful relievers

When faced with pain from wasp stings, it’s important to learn how to act properly.

  • So, the first thing we need to do is check if the wasp’s sting remains in our body. This is a very important step.
  • If so, carefully remove them by gently scraping the surface of the skin with a handy tool (something delicate).
  • Then we will need to clean the affected area with warm water and neutral soap. If you have an antiseptic on hand , now is a good time to use it.

How can I cope with pain and swelling? As you expect, after a while these symptoms usually appear. How to deal with them when they start to bother us?

To control these symptoms, we can resort to several soothing measures based on natural ingredients. However, we must remember that they provide temporary relief and are not always effective.

Most of them come from popular literature and there is no strictly scientific evidence of their effectiveness . We know, however, that Grandma’s methods are often the best.

Cold compresses and a wasp sting

The low temperature should reduce pain from a sting and reduce any swelling in the area. Cold compresses are therefore a good way to relieve pain from wasp stings.

Cold compresses

In fact, the recommendation is to apply them after disinfecting the affected area. It is worth remembering this.

How to apply a cold compress to a wasp sting

  • We have two options for this solution. The first is to dampen the towel with cold water and place it in an airtight, airtight bag. Then leave the towel in the bag in the freezer for about 15 minutes. After this time, we apply it to the affected area.
  • Another possibility, faster than the previous one, is to wrap the ice cubes in a towel or cloth. Then we cover them with a gentle massage on the bite sites.

Essential oils

To date, evidence does not link the use of essential oils to relieving pain from wasp stings.

However, they have been used since ancient times as a sedative and antiseptic. So isn’t it worth paying a little attention to them?

How to use oils on a wasp sting

For starters, we can choose options such as tea tree, lavender or rosemary essential oils, which are characterized by antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

  • When we have it on hand, we mix one or two drops with half a teaspoon of carrier oil, which can be olive or coconut oil.
  • Then we rub the oil on the affected area. It is best to use this treatment two or three times a day.

Aloe gel and a wasp bite

We can rub the aloe vera gel for 2 or 3 minutes on the area affected by the bite.

In addition to being a safe ingredient to apply to the skin, aloe vera gel can serve as an adjuvant to reduce inflammation and pain caused by wasp stings.

Aloe gel for wasp sting

A study published in the medical journal Pharmacognosy Reviews shows that extracts of this ingredient have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Therefore, it may be helpful in the event of discomfort described in this article.

How to use this remedy?

  • First, we extract fresh aloe gel. Then we rub it into the area affected by the bite for two or three minutes.
  • We should apply the gel about twice a day.

A wasp sting – what else could be helpful against pain and swelling?

In addition to the remedies mentioned above, we can take other measures to relieve the pain caused by these stings. According to the Mayo Clinic , you can also try hydrocortisone cream or take an antihistamine. Both measures mainly help reduce redness and itching.

Summary and additional information

Using a calamine lotion and taking (over the counter) a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) is also helpful. The latter should be used as prescribed by your doctor or pharmacist.

In any case, if symptoms persist or worsen, it is best to seek medical attention.

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