Varicose Veins Ointment With Cayenne Pepper – How To Prepare?

Ointment for varicose veins with cayenne pepper - how to prepare?

Varicose veins cause considerable discomfort in many cases. They are unsightly and cause, among other things, an unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the legs. But don’t worry unnecessarily! Homemade remedies can help you treat them effectively.

Therefore, in our today’s article, we decided to present you a recipe that will allow you to prepare yourself an effective ointment for varicose veins based on cayenne pepper.

What are varicose veins and why are they a health problem?

Varicose veins are nothing more than swollen veins in the legs. This phenomenon is a direct result of various types of irregularities in blood circulation. The main problem, however, is venous valve insufficiency, which hinders the proper transport of oxygen to the heart.

The cayenne pepper varicose veins we describe in today’s article can help you treat this condition. It is cheap and quite effective compared to conventional medical and surgical procedures.

Currently, there are many expensive methods of treating varicose veins on the market. However, this completely natural and cheap solution is also quite effective. What’s more, in many cases it will allow you to get noticeable results quickly! It will improve the appearance of your legs and eliminate all kinds of painful symptoms such as leg heaviness, cramps and pain.

How can you prepare an ointment based on cayenne pepper for varicose veins?

All you need to do is buy cayenne pepper to start with. It is available in virtually any health food store. One thing you should also know is that cayenne pepper is called red pepper in countries such as Chile, Mexico, and Venezuela.

Cayenne pepper

This plant is used to impart a strongly bitter and spicy flavor to food. It also has health-promoting properties that help improve blood circulation. Cayenne pepper also supports the processes of strengthening the walls of the veins, thus increasing the return blood circulation.

In addition, the properties of this pepper prevent the phenomenon of blood retention in the legs, thereby eliminating painful varicose veins.

Ingredients you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of cayenne pepper (30 g)
  • ½ cup of beeswax (100 g)
  • 1 cup of almond oil (250 ml)

Beeswax and almond oil have similar properties to cayenne pepper. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, they also improve skin firmness and elasticity of the joints of the legs.

Accessories that may be useful to you

  • Glass container
  • Wooden spoon
  • Tightly closed container

The method of preparation of the described ointment for varicose veins:

  • First, pour the beeswax into a container and melt it using a hot water bath.
  • After it melts, add two tablespoons of cayenne pepper and almond oil.
  • Now reduce the heating power and start mixing everything with a wooden spoon.
  • After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, remove the vessel from the heat and leave to cool for 10 minutes at room temperature.
  • Transfer the product to a sealed container before it solidifies.

The ointment obtained in this way should be applied twice a day. Massage it into your legs for 10 minutes immediately after waking up in the morning and just before going to bed. Plus, you can use it any time your legs feel heavy or you start complaining of muscle cramps.

Formation of ointments for varicose veins

Other home-made remedies and ways to reduce the risk of varicose veins are also quite useful solutions. Below we present some of the most effective:

Physical exercise

Exercise is also a great way to prevent varicose veins in the future. However, remember to drink plenty of water when you are already engaging in any form of physical activity. Doing so will help you improve blood flow in your legs.

Weight loss

You also absolutely need to improve your diet and eating habits in general. Only then will you be able to prevent varicose veins. Being overweight or obese are factors that predispose you to developing this vein disease.

Weight loss

Raising the legs regularly

Some common symptoms, such as leg pain, heaviness, tingling and muscle cramps, may indicate problems with venous circulation in the lower extremities. But interweaving your daily activities with at least 10 minutes of passive leg lifting will help you improve the return circulation in the veins and, therefore, reduce varicose veins.

You can also lift your legs up and prop them up against the wall before getting out of bed. You can also actively do leg lift exercises to activate blood circulation in those limbs.

Avoiding sitting with legs crossed or folded on top of each other

Always remember to avoid sitting in one position or standing for long periods. These positions negatively affect the proper blood flow in the legs and increase the insufficiency of the venous valves.

Wearing loose and comfortable clothes

Wear loose-fitting clothes that do not obstruct the proper movement of the leg muscles. Tight clothing, such as certain types of pants, is not recommended if you have varicose veins. This is due to the fact that too tight elements of the outfit do not allow for proper blood circulation in the legs and may not only cause, but also aggravate existing varicose veins.

We know perfectly well that tight clothing is very fashionable. However, you must remember that it can obstruct the proper blood flow in your legs. It is also important to wear loose fitting clothes while sleeping.

Please do not hesitate to put these simple tips into practice. Start using this simple and cheap ointment for varicose veins based on cayenne pepper today!

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