Unhappy Couples – Why Do They Still Stay Together?

Unhappy couples stay together even if their relationship harms them more than helps them. Find out why they don’t decide to change
Unhappy Couples - Why Do They Stay Together?

Unhappy couples happen in literally every culture, no matter where in the world. The most paradoxical, however, is that the people who make up unhappy couples have a lot to say in giving advice to their relatives and friends in this context. 

Probably each of us has someone around him who fits the above description. We often wonder how such unhappy couples can stay with each other despite the unpleasantness they cause to each other when it comes to quarrels.

Unhappy couples – which are what?

Here are some characteristics that can easily be seen in people who are in a mismatched relationship.

The primary communication tool is arguing

Every word, every gesture, every move immediately leads to another fight. Eventually, their communication starts with nothing but blame and reproach.

In such a situation, both of them waste their strength and time, and the surroundings once again wonder how it is possible that they are still together.

Maintaining normal conversation is no longer possible at this stage as both partners focus solely on the other side’s shortcomings. Whether they are in private or in public, they tend to address each other in a hurtful way.

Infidelity and lies have already dominated their history

The problem is that one or both of them live separated by a massive wall of various lies. Behind the lies, there is also often unfaithfulness to one another, and even to both of them.

Interestingly, even when mutual betrayals become commonplace, they still remain together and are unable to separate.

In such a relationship, there is no longer any room for respect and trust. They both know it perfectly well, and because of this they silently suffer the consequences of this sad state of affairs.

Couple in bed - emotional betrayal

Common goals end in frustration

Usually unhappy couples are unable to meet their expectations and disagree about what they would like to achieve in the future. One of the partners ends up generating a lot of frustration.

With time, interest in the achievements that could become theirs as a couple fades away. Especially in this person who is completely misunderstood by the partner.

Probably each of us can, however, indicate such relationships in our own environment. So why, even though they cannot find common happiness, they still stay together? Here are the most common reasons for this.

Unhappy, unbreakable couples – why do they stay together?

1. Family Functions or Floating with Pride

In many families, there is a strongly implanted commandment that one should marry once in a lifetime. Whatever happens, it must be endured so as not to stain the name of a possible divorce.

Others, on the other hand, feel that they have fought so hard for the relationship that they are now not letting themselves lose everything. They now understand that the parents were right, that the partner didn’t seem perfect from the start. But pride takes the upper hand, which is much stronger at this point than not being able to achieve happiness.

2. Fear of loneliness,

For some, loneliness can take the form of a real nightmare that fills us with fear. For this reason, many people prefer to stay in an unhappy relationship instead of parting with their partner, out of fear of being alone.

In their case, fear is what prevents them from seeing farsightedly. They can only see the four walls that surround them. They don’t even think that there is someone out there who can make them happy.

Woman - fear of loneliness

3. Children need a complete family

Behind this decision is also the fact that parents consider their children responsible for family happiness.

Nothing could be more wrong. The happiness of the children depends on their parents being happy. One of the worst possible scenarios is growing up in a fighting environment in which one calls us names and accusations.

4. Time spent in building a relationship comes at a cost

Others believe that the energy, time, and money spent in building a relationship is a valid reason why you should stay together. Since they have devoted so much together, they feel that you have to make a sacrifice to the end, no matter what price you have to pay for it each day. 

In addition, they refuse to accept the fact that they have lost a significant part of their lives investing in an ultimately unsuccessful relationship. So they prefer not to admit the thought of parting. They choose a future where there is no room for improvement.

5. Material and emotional dependence

This situation most often occurs in toxic relationships, in which the manipulator makes the partner dependent on himself. Being a victim, he doesn’t even think about separating himself from the partner on whom everything depends.

Such people know that they are unhappy, but they cannot live without an emotional tormentor.

The reason for continuing the relationship may also be that they both agreed that one would work and the other would look after the house. Fear of switching to another pattern and of facing the labor market means that becoming independent is simply out of the question.


Unhappy couples live together for many years for reasons that their surroundings cannot understand. Perhaps trusted friends give them good advice, but that does not change the fact that everyone is a blacksmith for their own fate.

Some couples decide to seek the help of a psychologist to try to improve their relationship. Others, on the other hand, live from day to day, deluding themselves that the changes will come by themselves.

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