Seven Tips For Not Gaining Weight During Menopause.

When entering the menopause, it is very important to drink enough water. It is also essential to stay physically active. This will help us fight overweight and related diseases.
7 tips to avoid gaining weight during menopause

The topic of  how not to gain weight  during menopause is extremely important. For most women at this stage of life, hormonal changes cause significant weight gain. As a woman enters the menopause, secretion of the hormone estrogen and progesterone decreases. This, in turn, directly affects the work of the metabolism.

In addition to the tendency to accumulate adipose tissue, there is also the problem of sagging muscles. This situation not only causes significant changes in the figure, but also, unfortunately, can lead to various diseases of the cardiovascular system, type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders that greatly reduce the quality of life of every woman.

However, if you’re wondering  how not to gain weight  at this stage of your life, we have some good news for you: there are natural ways to prevent it by changing your habits and improving your lifestyle.

That is why in today’s article we would like to share with you some advice that, if put into action, you will be able to survive this stage satisfactorily, without fear and without being overweight. Be sure to read!

1. How not to gain weight during menopause – use natural diuretics

Frequent consumption of products that are natural diuretics can help eliminate accumulated fluid from our body. This factor slows down our metabolism in some way, so it is a very important step in trying to achieve your dream figure.

Natural diuretics help us remove the toxins present in our bloodstream. One of the benefits of this is to reduce inflammation in the body.

Pineapple drink, or how not to gain weight

 Here are some of the best options:

  • Strawberries
  • Watermelon
  • Melon
  • Pineapple
  • Cranberries
  • Pumpkin
  • Asparagus
  • Oat flakes
  • Parsley
  • Artichoke
  • green tea
  • Field horsetail
  • Dandelion (popularly known as dandelion)

2. Make sure you drink plenty of water

Drinking water every day is very important, especially as we enter menopause. Not only because it helps us lose weight, but also because it perfectly regulates body temperature and helps to keep the body hydrated.

  • Water supports blood circulation, thus optimizing the oxygenation of cells in our body. This, in turn, promotes their reconstruction and regeneration.
  • Drinking water supports the work of the glands and the removal of toxins and accumulated fluids from the body.
  • Water is also great for killing hunger between meals, thus preventing snacking.

3. Stay physically active

A woman is jogging, or how not to gain weight

Although the menopause is a period of major changes in a woman’s body,  exercise is still a very important element and one of the best tools to maintain a normal body weight. This contributes to overall health and well-being.

  • Regular physical activity stimulates the activity of metabolism, thanks to which it is accelerated enough to burn calories.
  • What’s more, training strengthens the muscles and – when accompanied by a healthy diet – prevents the muscle mass from slackening.
  • It is also a way to protect bones and joints from damage caused by lowered estrogen levels.

4. Include marine fish in your diet

Sea fish contain valuable nutrients much needed by women in the menopausal stage.

  • They contain high-value proteins that help protect muscle tissue against damage and deterioration.
  • The omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish improve the health of the cardiovascular system and lower the level of bad LDL cholesterol.
  • It is an anti-inflammatory, low calorie product and great for people trying to lose weight or maintain their weight.
  • Sea fish also support the work of the nervous system and our overall health.

5. Use oatmeal for breakfast

Oatmeal is a product full of valuable nutrients that, by providing a relatively small amount of calories, helps to keep the body active, providing it with a dose of healthy energy.

Oatmeal or how not to gain weight
  • It is an excellent breakfast option for menopausal women as it helps counteract the symptoms that trigger hormonal changes.
  • It is a perfect breakfast idea as it prolongs the feeling of fullness and improves physical and mental performance.
  • What’s more, it has a positive effect on the health of our digestive system and reduces the risk of diseases, obesity and cardiovascular disorders.

6. Avoid eating saturated fat and sodium

Foods high in saturated fat and sodium can make the situation of women who enter the menopause much worse. If you are wondering how to avoid gaining weight at this stage of your life, be sure to limit your intake of these substances.

  • They disrupt the work of the metabolism, slowing its rhythm and creating problems in performing their basic functions.
  • They are the main cause of the accumulation of fatty tissue around the abdomen,  as well as problems with the cardiovascular system.

7. Limit your sugar intake

White sugar, like products containing large amounts of it, directly affects our weight and figure. It also slows down our metabolism. So if you are wondering how to avoid gaining weight in the menopause, be sure to limit its consumption.

Sweets, give them up to avoid gaining weight

Yes, white sugar is not good for us at any stage in our lives. In the menopausal period, however, special attention should be paid to this.

  • The hormonal changes taking place in a woman’s body reduce the body’s ability to use this substance as a source of energy, and instead of being burned, it is deposited as adipose tissue.
  • On the other hand, blood levels are raised, which puts you at high risk of diabetes.

Are you entering the menopause and wondering how not to gain weight? So be sure to follow our tips and apply them as soon as possible. Let them become part of your reality, change the way you live, and it will have a positive impact on your well-being.

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