Reach The Flow State And Win With Stress!

Since stress puts our body on the highest alert to danger, it is very important to acquire the ability to classify things and events according to their importance. The “flow” state is nothing more than a sense of inner peace and getting the best out of everyday situations.
Reach the flow state and win with stress!

Stan flow, a name derived from the English language, is a wonderful and extremely simple approach to everyday life, thanks to which we are able to protect our body from the harmful effects of stress and achieve inner peace, necessary for a happy and fulfilled existence.

The creator of the term flow is Mihály Csikszentmihályi, one of the most famous and famous specialists in the field of psychology of happiness.

Thanks to his numerous books and works that emphasize the need to achieve a state of inner peace and “optimal experiences”, millions of people around the world have managed to develop incredible concentration and focus that allow them to carry out their daily duties without stress.

Today we would like to invite you to reflect on the issue of flow – a tendency that is gaining more and more followers.

Thanks to this technique, you will be able to lead a calmer life and get rid of this unpleasant feeling once and for all when stress squeezes your stomach and takes control of your life.

The flow state, i.e. inner harmony

For Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, achieving the flow state is a real happiness in life. It is about experiencing an authentic inner harmony that allows us to feel good about ourselves and others, and to properly process our emotions and difficulties.

Stress is the complete opposite of flow state. Strong states of tension make us feel tied to a series of events taking place one after another.

To put it another way, we unconsciously become slaves to our fears and our own fears, the people and situations for which we are responsible, and our fears and worries.

How does stress affect our body?

  • Stress inhibits our internal development. As a result of his actions, we fall into a routine and become attached to things that seem constant to us. Day after day, we repeat our pattern of life, not having the courage to fulfill what we really dream about.
  • Stress keeps us convinced that we will never be able to fulfill our dreams because we lack time to act.
  • The day is too short to meet all the goals and fulfill all the daily chores.
  • Stress is a kind of alarm for our brain that prepares the body to “run” from a potential threat.
  • Living under constant stress makes our brain forget what peace and inner harmony are. Our body goes into a constant state of alertness, it is constantly tense, and our mind focuses only on the responsibilities of tomorrow.

All of the above examples contradict the concept of flow. Below we explain what this relaxing technique is and how we can achieve true inner harmony.

Learn to enjoy what you do


One fact is undeniable: not all of us can afford to quit a stressful job or cut ourselves off completely from the pressure of the family. Work and family are the two centers that are the most common sources of severe stress, tension, anxiety, insomnia, migraines, digestive problems, etc.

There are a lot of techniques for dealing with stress: it could go on and on. We can use appropriate breathing techniques, go for a relaxing walk or use relaxing medications. In this way, however, we will never combat the source of stress, but only slightly alleviate its symptoms.

The cause of stressful situations lies not in the world around us, but in ourselves – in our mind. Only a permanent change in the way we think and approach life can free us from the destructive power of stress.

Learn to go with the flow and achieve the flow state …

  • The psychological technique of “flow” imposes a new approach to everyday matters. We must learn to enjoy what we do every day. Focus on the present and slow down the pace of your life. The tool that will help us in this is the ability to set priorities.
  • People who are able to achieve the state of flow have a positive attitude to all matters and are able to concentrate on their work to the maximum and perform their duties diligently.
  • Happy people enjoy what they do, their body is relaxed and does not succumb to the destructive force of stress.

How to achieve the flow state?

It is not possible to achieve a state of inner harmony overnight, it is hard work on yourself that takes time and a lot of effort. Stress and tension will not disappear like a magic wand, you need patience and persistence.

The flow technique cannot be immediately applied in all areas of life. It is recommended to start with one of the sources of stress and gradually expand the range of inner harmony. It is worth starting with activities that are commonly regarded as calming and relaxing the body. Some examples are given below.

  • With najdź a hobby in line with your interests and daily sacrifice him a moment. For example, people who like to paint are able to achieve a state of harmony and inner satisfaction through art.
  • Painting with watercolors, coloring mandala, sketching with charcoal … all these activities have a therapeutic effect and effectively soothe tattered nerves. Spend at least one hour a day calming down.
  • Another proposition that gives spectacular results is the practice of the so-called “Flow yoga”. This type of yoga was born in India, then conquered the United States, and from there it spread all over the world.

Flow yoga is more intense than classical yoga, it is enriched with sounds of nature or mantra, it helps to develop physical strength, flexibility and balance the body on many levels.

Flow Yoga is an energetic activity that ends with a general relaxation of the body, where we experience the authentic connection of our mind with every cell in the body.

The flow state in everyday life


By performing activities such as yoga, coloring mandala or other relaxing activities, our body will acquire more and more ability to concentrate and we will gradually be able to extend this momentary state of peace to other areas of our lives.

  • When we reach the state of flow, at the same time we will be able to distance ourselves from people and situations that are a source of pain and harm to us. We will be able to constantly develop and learn to set our life priorities.
  • Learn to visualize your life as a leaf on the surface of the water that moves forward thanks to a gentle and relaxing gust of wind and the power of the current.
  • A leaf flowing on the river is an example of genuine balance, it lacks nothing or misses anything.
  • If the leaf carries unnecessary ballast, it will quickly sink to the bottom. It is the same with our lives, we should not take too much responsibility on our shoulders, because sooner or later we will drown under their burden.
  • Stress makes us unable to swim with the current and we sink. To achieve the flow state and be fully happy, we need to get rid of unnecessary ballast and learn to be free and enjoy every moment.

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