Pumice: Advantages Of Its Use

Pumice is a volcanic rock that has useful cleaning properties. The benefits of using it in cosmetics and at home are manifold, so we will discuss it in detail.
Pumice stone: the advantages of its use

The use of pumice stone has become popular due to its many benefits. Pumice stone comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. This volcanic rock was also known as pemza, and has been used for thousands of years.

For example, Roman engineers used it to supplement concrete to obtain concrete strong enough to implement their architectural models. In fact, pumice is still used for these purposes and various ways to improve cement using its ingredients are being investigated.

It is a material so resistant that it can be exposed to cold, fire and moisture without harm. At the same time, it is hard and so light that it floats on water. It is abrasive but also gentle on the skin. Hence, a large part of its applications are related to cosmetics.

Benefits for the skin

As already mentioned, pumice has become popular for its numerous skin applications. In this article, you’ll find out how you can use it at home.

Pumice stone removes hair

Pumice stone serves as a hair removal component on any part of the body. It was already used in this capacity by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. These civilizations mixed this ingredient with ointments and oils of natural origin to eliminate hair and complete beauty rituals.

Today, thousands of years later, this stone is still used for this purpose. Its biggest advantage in epilation is that after removing unwanted hair, it leaves the skin soft and renewed. Note that this practice is not recommended for very dry skin, however.

On the other hand, it’s always a good idea to have soap or foam on hand to facilitate the circular movements you need to make to get the results you want.

Pumice stone can be purchased on the market in cheap and practical forms.

It exfoliates the skin

This stone also has abrasive properties that can be used to exfoliate the skin. You can even find liquid or compact soaps containing pumice stone on the market.

The practice of home scrubs has been used by Indians to remove the first layer of skin for one reason or another. Considering that we do not want to hurt the skin, it is recommended to use a wet pumice stone and combine it with natural oils.

Pumice stone perfectly softens hard parts of the skin

The use of pumice stone is very common in beauty salons. It is usually used to remove thick layers of dead skin, such as on the feet and hands. In addition to removing callous epidermis, a pumice stone perfectly softens these areas.

To obtain the desired results, the area to be exfoliated should be soaked, preferably in warm water. Then soap is applied, which allows the stone to slide smoothly. The pumice stone also gets wet and with circular and gentle movements, the skin softened with water begins to peel off.

Whitens dark areas

Stains in the flexion areas of the limbs, such as the armpits and elbows, are most often caused by rubbing caused by razor hair removal. But they are also caused by contact with certain products, as well as skin diseases such as pigmented lichen planus.

If a dermatological problem that requires professional care is ruled out, it is worth using a pumice stone. Its properties can help remove discolored skin, creating room for a new and much brighter dermis to form. Use it with a little olive oil to enhance the effect.

Pumice stone in dentistry

It is very important to have clean teeth as a personal calling card. Cosmetic dentistry has developed alternatives that include the use of pumice stone in enamel micro-grinding processes, a dental technique that removes stains or stains from teeth.

Other uses of pumice stone

This stone is so unique that it can be used in various areas of everyday life. From rescuing puffy clothing, aging jeans to be fashionable and cleaning pet hair, to removing dirt and grime from some household utensils.

Removes lint from clothes

Lint on clothes usually appears in areas that are often subject to friction due to poor washing or due to the susceptibility of the material. However, you can moisten the pumice stone and rub it very carefully on the clothes you want to save them. To protect it from damage, you can wrap the stone in a stocking.

Fold the garment well and use your hands to keep it stretched while rubbing the pumice stone. It is important to carry out this process calmly and carefully, because in the end we can spoil our favorite blouse or pants.

Although, on the other hand, pumice is also very effective if you want to turn a dull denim into one that is trendy. It is enough to rub the material vigorously until the desired effect is obtained.

Pumice is great for removing pet hair

If you have pets at home, you surely love them with all your heart. But that doesn’t mean you are comfortable wearing hairy clothes or having furniture with an extra layer of hair. In such cases, this volcanic rock is also very effective. Its porous openings are great for collecting hair from any surface.

This also applies to cleaning carpets, curtains and car seats. All you need to do is rub the selected surface with the pumice stone in circular movements. For delicate fabrics, it can be moistened to facilitate the process.

Removes oven grease

If the oven becomes full of hard fat after a few uses, you can use a pumice stone. It is enough to rub the surface a little, but not excessively. Support this process with a little soap or degreaser.

Another trick is to smear the oily surface with a bit of baking soda and then clean it with wet pumice.

Removes debris from the toilet

Limescale in the toilet makes us all uncomfortable. The worst part is that not all cleaners can remove it completely. In such cases, it is enough to use gloves, moisten the stone in hot water and rub the most affected areas.

For this type of application, you can find various options on the market with a plastic handle that makes cleaning easier in a more convenient way.

A piece of pumice stone
Pumice stone can help you clean your home, especially in bathrooms.

How do you clean a pumice stone?

Although pumice is very durable, good cleaning techniques must be considered when using it at home, especially on the skin. In this way, it not only extends its life, but also protects our body against contamination.

It is recommended to wash the pumice stone with hot water, wipe it with a brush and remove any impurities that may be between its pores. Then it should be washed again with hot water. In addition to this process, it can be sterilized from time to time by immersing it in boiling water for five minutes.

To dry the pumice stone, it is placed on a dry cloth and exposed to the sun or outside to dry naturally. It should never stay wet as this promotes the multiplication of fungi or bacteria.

Cheap solution

Pumice stone is an ally of beauty and cleanliness. It doesn’t hurt to have this product at home, as it can get you out of trouble at a very low cost. Another attraction of this volcanic rock is its availability on the market at very attractive prices.

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