Prepare Hydrating Juice To Help Reduce Weight

This delicious, nourishing and hydrating juice will help you control your hunger. We are sure you will love it!
Prepare rehydration juice to help reduce weight

Adequate hydration is considered to be one of the most important factors in the perspective of weight loss. Hydrating juice is a great way to help our body fulfill this condition. Our body needs large amounts of fluids to optimally regulate major vital functions.

What’s more, drinking water is also necessary to control hunger attacks and prevent you from consuming excess calories during the day. Therefore, a dehydrated body can lead to weight gain and the development of various health problems.

Fortunately, some drinks have rehydrating properties and many nutrients that will help you lose weight as well as keep your body getting the right amount of fluid for the day.

One of these drinks is the powerful green rehydrating juice that we want to introduce to you in this article. Treat it as a dietary supplement that helps to reduce weight. Do you want to know how to prepare it?

Hydrating juice that helps you lose weight healthily

This natural juice has a combination of hydrating properties and valuable nutrients as it contains, among others, cucumber, spinach and apples.

The high fiber content promotes bowel function and helps fight digestive problems that lead to fat accumulation in the body .  Moreover, it is also an important source of antioxidants and chlorophyll, which positively influence the body. They even stop oxidative damage and the accumulation of toxins in the body.

Health benefits of consuming spinach

Spinach contains a substance known as thylakoid, which helps you feel full and can help you lose weight significantly. Additionally, it is a source of vitamins A, C and E, as well as minerals such as potassium, iron and magnesium.

Spinach leaves

Importantly, every 100 grams of spinach contains only 26 calories and provides a high amount of antioxidants.

Health Benefits of Eating Cucumber

It is one of the most used foods in weight loss diets as it is low in calories and contains enzymes to help you digest fats.

Health benefits of consuming green apples

Green apples are low in calories, sodium and fat. Plus, they’re the best natural source of pectin, a type of fiber that helps control cholesterol and cleanse the colon.

Green apples for rehydration juice

What’s more, green apples contain enzymes that improve the absorption of nutrients as well as the digestion of proteins and fats. Eating these apples increases the activity of our metabolic system and affects the feeling of fullness more than many other foods.

Also read: Speed ​​up digestion with a drink made of ginger, apple, and stevia

Health benefits of consuming celery

Celery is rich in water and each 100 grams contains only 16 calories. Eating this vegetable helps to keep the body hydrated and helps to eliminate fluid that is trapped in the tissues.

What’s more, it also contains natural oils such as limonene, selinene or asparagine, as well as vitamins A, E and B-complex.

How to prepare this rehydrating juice?

To make this natural juice more effective, we suggest adding a little lemon juice and a pinch of ginger. As a result, you will get a filling drink that you can consume on an empty stomach or whenever you feel hungry.

Green juice, apple, and spinach

Moreover, you can drink it two or three times a day as it contains trace amounts of calories and provides the body with many important nutrients.

Most importantly, this juice will hydrate your body, thus supporting the body’s functions that need water and mineral salts.


  • 30 g of spinach
  • half a cucumber
  • two stalks of celery
  • 2 green apples
  • 1 lemon
  • about 30 g of ginger
  • 2 cups of water (400 ml)

A method of preparing

  • Wash the vegetables and cut them so that they can be easily blended.
  • Rinse the apples with water and a little vinegar, chop them up and discard the seeds.
  • Put all ingredients in a blender, including lemon juice, ground ginger, and glasses of water.
  • Blend everything for a while until you get a smooth drink without any bits of ingredients in the solution.

How to drink

  • Start by drinking a glass of juice on an empty stomach and consume the rest between main meals.
  • The goal is to drink the juice all week, at least once a month.

It is worth remembering that the slimming effect of the drink will be achieved only with a healthy diet . Follow the advice and see how hydrating juice can improve your health and support your body.

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