Pot – Five Things He Reveals About Your Health

There are many chemicals in sweat. Sometimes it can reveal a certain health problem to us. Therefore, we should not ignore the situation in which we start to sweat.
Sweat - Five Things It Reveals About Your Health

Sweat on the face on a hot summer day – sounds familiar? Probably none of us likes it … In the case of men, the sweaty, round spots under the armpits of their favorite shirt are an additional nightmare.

Your body temperature rises, your nervous system gives the green light to your sweat glands and thousands of droplets appear on your skin – this is the uncomfortable sweat .

Each of us has to deal with the problem of sweating. We wipe the sweat with a handkerchief, apply perfumes and deodorants and try to spare others from unpleasant odors.

It turns out, however, that while you may think that you can stop sweating, you shouldn’t ignore it. It can provide you with important information about your health.

Here are some facts you’ll discover by watching your sweat:

1. You are pregnant or one step away from menopause

Are you hot even though everyone else is cold? You don’t want a sweater, although everyone in the room is freezing? These are symptoms that occur in approximately 85% of women entering the menopause stage.

However, this is not the only reason why we sweat. This phenomenon also occurs in pregnant women.

In both cases, it is due to hormonal changes. They affect the brain by disrupting the body’s natural “thermostat”. They cause a false feeling of overheating, and sweat is a natural response to this phenomenon.

2. Sweat? You are under stress

If you start to smell an unpleasant odor and then start to smell and ask yourself, “Is this really me?”, Stop for a moment and think. Try to analyze your recent mental attitude. While you are thinking, answer the question, “Am I stressed or anxious?”

Trainer and man

If so, your emotions are most likely to blame for your bad smell. Sweat, which occurs when we are hot, is produced by the lymph nodes throughout the body. It mainly contains water and salt.

On the other hand, when you are stressed, the apocrine glands produce sweat. They are only found in certain areas of the body, including the armpits.

This type of sweat also contains fat and proteins that mix with the bacteria present on the skin. This process creates an unpleasant odor that we all want to avoid. This happens when you are feeling anxious or stressed.

3. You are experiencing joy or fear

As strange as it may seem, those around you can easily sense what you are feeling through the smell of your sweat. In one experiment, 36 women smelled sweat samples from 12 men who watched fear-inducing or joy-inducing movies.

It turned out that when women sniffed the sweat of men frightened by the film, they expressed a grimace similar to that of frightened people much more often. When they smelled the sweat of happy men, they smiled much more often.

In summary: if you feel fear, others will sense it. If you are happy, so are you.

4. There is a risk of hot flush

Have you ever gone for a walk and didn’t sweat? Some people think this is a sign of fitness. While there may be some truth to this, such a symptom deserves attention. If it’s hot and you are not sweating at all, you may feel dizzy in a moment.

This phenomenon is called anhydrosis. It is when you cannot sweat normally. It is a very dangerous health disorder. The lack of sweat prevents the body from refreshing and cooling naturally.

If you are affected by this problem, it is recommended to avoid overheating the body.

When you see yourself in a risky situation, drink as much water as possible to replenish your fluid intake. However, you need to protect yourself from the sun, cool your body in lukewarm water and avoid hot weather.

If you are away from home, try to stay in a shaded place or in an air-conditioned room. If you don’t feel better in a short time, call an ambulance or ask for medical help.

5. You have low blood sugar

Sugar measurement

The correct blood sugar level should be between 70 and 100 milligrams of glucose per deciliter of blood fasting. If your level drops below 70 due to diabetes or excess exercise, you will begin to feel the effects.

One of them is excessive sweating, especially at the back of the neck, at the hairline level.

If you feel your heart beating faster, or you feel you are shaking, slightly nauseous, dizzy and your eyesight becomes blurred, you need to be alert. Be sure to try to keep your sugar level at the right level.

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