Pink Chocolate – What Is It And Where Does It Come From?

The pink chocolate comes from a different variety of cocoa beans with a ruby ​​red hue. It requires less sugar to prepare and does not contain any additives.
Pink chocolate - what is it and where does it come from?

Pink chocolate is a new product from an independent brand that has a different color than the traditional chocolate brown. However, despite what it may seem, it is a food product with no artificial additives. It is obtained from special cocoa beans.

Perhaps this is the first time you’ve heard about this innovative product. Therefore, we will tell you everything you need to know, because pink chocolate has a number of health-promoting properties.

What is pink chocolate?

This chocolate, also known as ruby ​​chocolate, is made from pink-colored cocoa beans grown in South American countries such as Ecuador and Brazil. You can also find plantations of this variety in Côte d’Ivoire.

It should be noted that these beans do not have a bitter taste like traditional cocoa. On the other hand, we are talking about a product that does not contain dyes or sweeteners.

Even the amount of milk that is used to make pink chocolate is limited. However, it is a product that is at the stage of entering European markets, as it has to pass a series of prior quality checks.

What does pink chocolate taste like?

Commercially available chocolate is usually associated with a sweet taste, while pure cocoa has a distinct bitter aftertaste. Pink chocolate, on the other hand, has a more neutral and peculiar flavor that lies somewhere between sweet and bitter, reducing the need to combine it with sugar.

Cocoa has the traditional bitter taste that leads to cocoa being combined with sugar.

How is it different from other chocolates?

Pink chocolate differs from other chocolate products by its lower sugar content. Therefore, it also has a higher pure cocoa content.

It should be noted that this substance has a very beneficial effect on the health of the circulatory system. This is reported in a study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research . Its consumption lowers blood pressure, which is associated with a lower risk of heart accidents.

In addition, the antioxidant effect of cocoa may help to neutralize the production of free radicals in the tissues. According to a study published in the journal Crtitical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression , this property reduces the incidence of complex and chronic pathologies.

On the other hand, it should be noted that pink chocolate has a lower sugar content compared to its traditional counterparts. Sugar has been shown to increase the risk of metabolic problems, so reducing your consumption is appropriate and beneficial.

How can ruby ​​chocolate be used?

At the moment , ruby ​​chocolate cannot be purchased in most European markets as it is waiting for approval from food safety agencies. However, its consumption is usually in the form of tablets or lozenges, although it can also be melted into desserts.

For example, it can be included in cake recipes. In this way, they can be given a different color, which leads to better acceptance, especially by children.

Is this a new variety of chocolate?

As we have seen, pink chocolate can be considered a new variety. It is derived from a different type of cocoa beans and uses less sugar.

You could even say that it is healthier than traditional sweetened varieties. However, it is necessary to wait for food hygiene agencies to confirm its safety.

Cocoa beans
There are different varieties of chocolate that vary depending on the cocoa beans used and the manufacturing process.

Pink chocolate: a healthy innovation in the world of sweets

Many people will be surprised when they find a new variety of pink chocolate on the shelf in the supermarket. However, unbelievable as it may seem, it does contain a large amount of cocoa. Despite its striking color, it is likely to compete with traditional varieties upon market entry.

It also has the same versatility as its brown counterparts. It can be eaten in tablets and incorporated into a variety of dessert recipes, producing results with a pink shade that contrasts with traditional brown.

Probably pink chocolate will hit the market soon as it does not contain additives. In any case, it is better to choose a product that has a low concentration of added sugars.

Although it tastes less bitter than traditional cocoa, there is a possibility that the industry may over-sweeten it to gain greater consumer acceptance. In this case, as always, it will be necessary to read the label carefully.

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