Peptides And Their Beneficial Effects On The Skin

Peptides and their beneficial effects on the skin

Peptides are the molecules that make up collagen. By reading today’s article, you will learn the most important information about them and find out why they play such an important role in the cosmetics industry.

Nowadays, amazing amounts of new products and technologies are appearing on the market for aesthetic and cosmetic purposes. They also include peptides  for use on the skin.

Peptides are short chains of amino acids. They play an important role in the skin because they are made of collagen and elastin. Although the body is able to produce them naturally, collagen production declines at a rate of 1% per year after the age of 30.

This is why skin loses its smoothness and begins to appear wrinkled, saggy and less shiny. This is why many of the skincare products used today have added peptides.

But with so many trends and ingredients that are touted as “miracle” products to help you regain your youth, are peptides really effective? In the text below, we will try to answer this question.

Different types of peptides

Woman applying cream - how do peptides work?
Peptides are building blocks that make up collagen, a substance whose production in the body declines after the age of 30.

Start by pointing out that there are several different types of peptides, each with different functions and effects on the skin. Here are the most important of them:

Penetrating Peptides (CPPs)

They are able to cross the cell membrane. They provide minerals (such as calcium, manganese, and iron) that can raise collagen levels.

Enzyme-inhibiting peptides

This type of peptide, as the name suggests, inhibits the action of certain enzymes. For example, angiotensin, which is found mainly in the vascular system. In addition, they help to delay the natural processes of collagen breakdown that take place in the skin.

Signal peptides

Signal peptides appear first in the synthesis of polypeptide chains and indicate the destiny of proteins. Once their “message” is delivered to the skin,  they help promote the production of collagen and elastin.


Neurotransmitter peptides are chemicals that are made up of amino acids. They are secreted by nerve endings and affect the functioning of various organs.

This blocks certain chemicals, the release of which causes the muscles to contract. It is thanks to this that, in terms of aesthetic effect, they smooth out wrinkles and fine lines.

Tetrapeptides and hexapeptides

Depending on the length of the peptide chain, we distinguish tetrapeptides, pentapeptides and hexapeptides. All of them have different functions and functions:

  • The first two types, tetrapeptides and pentapeptides, act on delicate areas (such as bags under the eyes) and are firming agents. In turn, pentapeptides stimulate tissue repair, support healing, and improve and support the process of collagen synthesis.
  • Hexpeptides, on the other hand, help to relax muscles, affecting mimic wrinkles. They work similar to botox, but without the need to use needles or deal with the side effects of using this substance.

Other types of peptides

Q10 peptide supports the production of coenzyme Q10. Experts have studied its impact on sports performance. They also consider it an antioxidant that slows down premature aging and neutralizes free radicals.

One cannot forget about copper peptides as well. Experts continue to study their properties because they estimate that they can protect against the oxidizing effects that this metal exerts on cells. However, their aesthetic effect has not yet been proven.

Peptides and their beneficial effects on the skin

Woman with cream on her face
These substances help ensure that the skin remains moisturized, smooth and elastic, and thus looks younger.

Peptides have many functions in the human body. They are a component of enzymes and hormones, and are also a source of energy. Keep in mind that peptides tell cells that they need to produce more collagen to replace what was lost during its breakdown.

Therefore, the main task of peptides is to support the processes of collagen production, its protection and replacement. It can be said that their other advantages are a derivative of such properties.

Peptides benefit our skin in several ways:

  • Irrigation. The decline in collagen levels leads to dehydration. When peptides increase the production of this substance, they reverse or lessen the effect of water loss through the skin.
  • The softness, elasticity and firmness of the skin. The immediate consequence of the recovery of collagen and the proper level of hydration is a marked softness, elasticity and firmness of the skin. Remember that peptides also make up elastin fibers.
  • Reducing the visibility of wrinkles and expression lines. The increased amount of collagen translates into smoothness and youthful appearance. This is because fine lines and expression lines are less visible as the skin is firmer and smoother.
  • The skin barrier. Peptides are the first line of defense against infection. Increased collagen production makes the skin stronger and more durable.

How do peptides work?

Peptides are chains of amino acids. In turn, amino acids are the building blocks from which proteins are made throughout the body.

When you use products and therapies that contain them, they penetrate the skin and send a message to the body’s cells telling them to start producing more collagen. Thus, they take on your body in some way. In this case, however, the end justifies the means.

Of course, there are also other ways to stimulate collagen production that go beyond using cosmetics. Some foods, such as gelatin, salmon, peppers and tomatoes, contain large amounts of this substance.

What to look for in cosmetics with peptides?

In general, such cosmetics have a beneficial effect on the skin. However, they are not all the same. We already explained that some peptides send signals to stimulate collagen production, while others inhibit enzyme production. Even so, most types of peptides work by storing water.

Besides, you can combine peptides with other ingredients. By binding to specific receptors in the skin, different types of peptides can have different effects, such as anti-aging, hydrating, antioxidant, tightening or elasticity, tissue repair, skin lightening or acne reduction.

When choosing a skin care product with peptides, you should consider the following:

  • Make sure it really does contain peptides. Remember that they can always appear under a different name (for example, palmitoyl).
  • Choose the most appropriate form of the product. For example, creams are more effective because they are in contact with the skin for a long time. This means that the skin will be able to absorb more peptides.
  • No product contains everything, so you should base your choice on your own needs. Note that tetrapeptides improve skin elasticity and tone, while hexapeptides increase skin radiance and improve its appearance.
  • And finally, take a look at the other ingredients as well. Some peptides work better when combined with other additives. These include, among others, vitamin C and niacinamide. Therefore, it is worth including them in a cosmetic with peptides, which is intended for skin care.

Contraindications to the use of peptides and issues to be aware of

Woman with dry skin
In general, there are no contraindications to the use of peptides, although some rare cases of allergies have been reported.

The above-mentioned features may make us believe that they are miraculous substances. However, there is always a “but”.

At the outset, it is worth noting that the word “peptide” may be used in a general manner to refer to any short chain of amino acids.

It turns out that there are many different types of peptides and not all of them have any effect on the skin. Therefore, the term can be used for marketing purposes even if the product does not actually contain an ingredient that is able to regenerate the skin.

Much research is currently being done on this topic. Some peptides have already been analyzed, although this has only been done in clinical trials in controlled groups. In other words, on a small number of participants or in a laboratory (in vitro) setting. While peptides may be beneficial for the skin, there is still a long scientific way to go before we can make any claims.

Fortunately, no adverse reactions have been reported, not reported to be toxic, and only a few side effects were noted. Few very few cases of allergy have been reported. The only catch is that such substances are often expensive.

Are peptides the tonic of youth?

Such substances, like many other products, are advertised as a one-of-a-kind anti-aging therapy. You can find them in creams, masks and other products offered by large chain stores or online stores.

Yes, peptides can help, but they don’t have miraculous properties. To reduce or delay the aging process, you need to combine a variety of factors, from diet and exercise to staying hydrated and reducing stress levels. You also need to remember that peptides are already in your body.

You can use them in moderate amounts, up to twice a day. In addition, make sure you choose the right product that your skin will be able to better absorb.

At the same time, remember that scientists are still researching the effectiveness of peptides in skin rebuilding processes.

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