Olive Oil And Breast Cancer

As it is rich in antioxidants, olive oil helps prevent cell damage and prevent possible genetic mutations that often lead to cancer.
Olive oil and breast cancer

What Does Olive Oil Have To Do With Breast Cancer? You’ve probably read many times about the various ways of dealing with cancer and are rather skeptical about them.

However, it cannot be denied that a proper lifestyle and a balanced diet protect us from many diseases and reduce the likelihood of developing cancer.

And we don’t mean you will avoid cancer 100% – it is influenced by many factors that we cannot control. However, this does not change the fact that scientists regularly prove how wonderful impact some food products have on our health.

Today we explain to you why  olive oil reduces the risk of cancer by almost 70%. 

Olive oil and cancer

breast cancer

We all know that an improper diet – rich in sugars, fats and processed foods – increases the risk of developing a wide variety of ailments and, in the long run, even cancer.

A healthy lifestyle and an appropriate diet are two factors that we can control on a daily basis.

There are also some situations over which we can not rule: m. In . genetics and air pollutants that can alter cells and be carcinogenic.

Let’s focus on what is at our fingertips. All it takes is a little bit of willpower and we can do a lot for our body.  The University of Navarre (Pamplona, ​​Spain) has released data that proves that olive oil helps prevent breast cancer.

The most important information below:

  • The research was conducted with the highest scientific standards.
  • The entire process took 5 years. 4,282 women participated in the study, half of whom followed only a Mediterranean diet with olive oil as the main ingredient. The other half ate as usual.
  • The results were clear: in the “Mediterranean” group, breast cancer was detected in 1.1% of the women; in the latter, 2.9%. Almost 3 times more.

Olive oil and its properties

olive oil

Scientists pay special attention to the fact that the  Mediterranean diet is particularly effective in preventing many diseases:

  • Fatty acids from olive oil and nuts and dried fruits perfectly protect our health.
  • It is an excellent source of Omega 3 and Omega 6.
  • Contains natural antioxidants: oranges, lemons, raw vegetables and fruits …
  • It is rich in fiber.
  • The amounts of red meat are much, much less than in any other diet. However, it is rich in chicken and turkey.

Olive oil has anti-cancer properties

  • According to the authors of the research, olive oil contains compounds that inhibit the development of malignant cells.
  • 5% kcal from olive oil will help us reduce the likelihood of cancer by 28%.
  • The recommended dose of olive oil is 15 – 25 ml per day, every day.
  • Olive oil is a completely natural product, rich in antioxidants and vitamins, especially vitamin E. These ingredients prevent cell damage and mutations that can lead to cancer.

Mediterranean diet – basic tips

Mediterranean diet

As we have already mentioned, the Mediterranean diet is irreplaceable in the prevention of various types of cancer, not only breast cancer. Therefore, it is worth knowing its basic ingredients. Remember that an active lifestyle is also important.

What ingredients compose the Mediterranean diet?

  • Grain products: such as rice and bread. Ideally, they should be wholemeal.
  • Fruits: oranges, lemons, grapes, apples … All rich in vitamin C.
  • Vegetables: Tomatoes, peppers, garlic, onions, squash, cucumbers, courgettes, potatoes, cabbage …
  • It is recommended to drink a minimum of two liters of water a day.
  • Consume one to two tablespoons of olive oil.
  • Nuts and dried fruits: almonds, pistachios …
  • Eggs.
  • Sea fish.
  • Lean meat, especially poultry.

All in all, it’s true that we can’t prevent cancer 100%. But we can reduce the likelihood of getting sick to a minimum. All you need is a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle. Get started today!

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