Natural Methods To Prevent Poor Blood Circulation In The Legs

The biggest enemy of proper blood circulation in the legs is a sedentary lifestyle. Take care of the daily amount of exercise, and you will not only improve blood circulation, but also support the functioning of the lymphatic system.
Poor blood circulation in the legs - prevention and treatment

There is nothing to hide – with age, blood circulation in the legs becomes weaker and weaker. The most vulnerable to the unpleasant consequences of this ailment are women, especially those in their forties. Venous spiders and varicose veins gradually appear on their legs.

However, these are not all symptoms that indicate poor blood circulation in the legs . After each tiring day on our feet, we have to deal with the terrible pain in the legs and feet. Fatigue is so much so that all we dream about then is a bed and a long night’s rest.

Find out in this article why circulation in your limbs decreases over the years, how to prevent possible complications from this condition, and how you can improve the flow of blood and lymph in your legs naturally.

Poor blood circulation in the legs – what should you know?

Blood vessels (arteries, veins and capillaries), vessels and glands of the lymphatic system, plasma and proteins play a fundamental role in the process of blood circulation.

When the blood circulation around the body is disturbed, the fluids that cannot return to the heart begin to accumulate in the legs. It is a natural consequence of the law of gravity. The legs are at the bottom, which is why the blood “gets stuck” in this part of the body. It happens when we do not change body position for several hours in a row.

The aforementioned gravity, which puts pressure on the legs, causes the following symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Swelling or edema
  • Numbness in the limbs
  • Varicose veins

How to restore proper blood circulation in the legs?

In order to prevent the weakening of blood circulation in the body or the unpleasant effects of this disease, you should change your lifestyle to an active lifestyle. For people who do not like movement, such a change may be difficult at first, and it will certainly be a long time before we are able to permanently change our daily habits.

However, positive results show up quickly and have a fantastic effect on further motivation. Pay attention to the following tips – thanks to them you will consciously and effortlessly improve blood circulation in your limbs and bring relief to your tired legs.

1. Correct body posture

  • If you work in an office, get up from your desk regularly to stretch your bones. Ideally, stretch your muscles a little every hour and take a small walk around the room or around your office.
  • To improve blood circulation in your legs, rest your legs against a plastic box or a wooden step when you sit at your desk. Blood drains more easily from the raised feet, the legs do not get tired or swell.
The woman is exercising on the mat
  • Conversely, if you work standing up, try to sit down for a few minutes or take a few steps every hour to stimulate blood circulation and relax tense muscles.
  • During long journeys by plane or train, try to use the footrests at all times and take a short walk around the deck from time to time. If you are traveling by car, take short breaks at least every two hours.

2. Take care of your daily dose of sport

You don’t have to spend long hours tormenting yourself in the gym. A daily walk, half an hour in the pool or a dynamic bike ride is enough.

  • Remember that to activate blood circulation, our body needs gentle, but uninterrupted physical effort for at least several minutes.
  • Make sure you program at least 30 minutes for physical activity in your daily schedule.

3. Increase your water intake

A woman drinking water to improve blood circulation in the legs
  • The healthiest drinks are still water, fresh fruit or vegetable juices and herbal infusions. Among others, horsetail and rosemary have the strongest diuretic properties.
  • Limit your consumption of alcohol, sodas, and coffee. These drinks have a dehydrating effect and promote the retention of fluid in the tissues.
  • Try to consume at least two liters of healthy drinks a day (water, fresh juices, infusions). And in summer, increase this dose by an additional liter per day.

4. Lift your feet up high

In addition to keeping your legs elevated while you work, you should also take care of your legs when you return home. Nothing difficult – just lie down on the ground or sofa and lift your feet as high as possible.

  • For example, when you sit on the couch and watch TV, rest your feet on a tall armchair or table.
  • Before you go to bed, lie down on the floor or bed for a while and lift your feet up high as if you want to touch the ceiling with them.
  • You can put your feet on the sun at night. In general, the idea of ​​ensuring proper blood circulation in the legs implies lifting them above the line of the heart as often as possible.

5. Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruit and vegetables are a valuable source of water and nutrients that greatly help fight excess water in the body and naturally improve and accelerate blood circulation in the limbs, especially in the legs.

When proteins and fats predominate in our daily diet, the functioning of the lymphatic system is severely disturbed and it is unable to properly manage body fluids. They then begin to accumulate in the tissues, causing edema and other problems related to the circulation.

Fruit salad bowls
  • Try to eliminate all fattening foods from your daily diet. Replace them with fresh fruit and vegetables. They will help you to clear blood vessels and restore all basic functions of the circulatory system.
  • The fruits and vegetables you eat should be fresh and raw. Without a doubt, the best and healthiest ones are the seasonal ones.

6. Take a cold shower

  • Make a habit of ending a warm shower with a large stream of cold (preferably icy) water. Don’t forget to direct it to your feet. Alternating temperature changes have a great effect on the circulatory system.
  • A cold shower brings immediate relief to sore and tired legs.
  • The ideal scenario is to use a cold bath for the feet twice a day – in the morning to activate blood vessels dormant overnight, and in the evening to relax tired and swollen legs.

7. Wear special socks

Some time ago, special socks and stockings appeared on the market, which effectively prevent the weakening of blood circulation in the legs. In addition, they strengthen veins and arteries. Their use is especially recommended during long air journeys.

Socks for varicose veins

They improve blood circulation in a natural way and prevent the accumulation of fluids in the body’s tissues. According to specialists, people struggling with poor circulation in the legs should give up wearing tight pants – they make it difficult for blood to return to the heart.

8. Limit salt and sugar intake

Sodium and glucose – The main ingredients of salt and sugar are the two greatest enemies of the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Hence, it is so important to limit them or completely eliminate them from the daily diet.

  • Salt contributes to the increase in blood pressure. What’s more, it promotes excessive accumulation of fluid in the body’s tissues and negatively affects the basic functions of the kidneys. Aromatic herbs or – a bit more expensive, but healthier – sea salt, of course in small amounts, will be a perfect replacement for salt.
  • In turn, sugar leads to disturbances in the level of insulin in the blood, which results, among other things, in gaining weight. Instead of sugar, use stevia or honey. They will sweeten herbal infusions and all kinds of desserts in a healthy way.

9. Massage your legs regularly

When you come home after a hard day, make sure you have a moment just for yourself. Take off your shoes, take a relaxing shower and finally massage your calves and feet. Such a massage perfectly improves blood circulation in the legs and prevents the formation of unsightly varicose veins.

  • Just after showering (remember to use the warm-cold technique above), put a few drops of rosemary essential oil on your hands and rub it vigorously into your legs – from fingertips to buttocks.
  • Finally, lift your feet high up against a window or wall. Stay in this position for about half an hour.

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