Metabolism – Speed It Up Effectively And Lose Weight!

Breakfast is a meal responsible not only for providing the body with energy for the whole day, but also for “awakening” our metabolism and making it burn calories from the very morning.

Throughout the year, there are months when we eat more than usual and shedding those extra pounds can be a real pain. It’s no secret that many of us are reluctant to exercise (often because we get tired too quickly), which further aggravates the problem and slows down our metabolism.

Remember that health is very important and when we lead a healthy lifestyle, our body is also slim and aesthetic. If we can make the metabolism work faster and overcome the aversion to sports, we will increase self-confidence. What’s more, we will fight back depression and face our daily duties with energy. Let’s be active! Really worth.

Why is it worth accelerating your metabolism?

Probably many of us ask ourselves the above question. Our answer is simple: the faster your metabolism, the faster your body burns fat. If your metabolism is naturally slow, diet pills and slimming diets won’t help you. Try our suggested solutions later in this article.

How to speed up metabolism and lose weight?

Don’t forget about breakfast

Remember that breakfast is a wake-up call for your metabolism. Let’s not forget about it if we want to burn more calories during the day. Breakfast helps keep glucose and insulin levels constant. This, in turn, prevents hunger attacks.

Try to limit your fat intake

Scientific studies have shown that we burn much more calories when low-fat is the basis of our diet. Additionally, it is recommended to eat foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates. Thanks to them, calories are burned more intensively.

The explanation for the above dependence may be the fact that some people who, although they eat little, are not able to lose unnecessary kilograms. Although they eat little, the foods they eat are richer in fat than proteins and carbohydrates.

Morning fasting training speeds up the metabolism

Follow this advice carefully – fasting training is usually performed by professionals under the supervision of a physician. You can try exercising before breakfast on weekends, for example. This way you will avoid the situation that you come to work exhausted and hungry.


This exercise is designed to deplete your muscles of glucose or glycogen to activate the burning of stored fat during exercise.

Avoid low-calorie diets

If you want to lose weight, you must burn more calories during the day than you have consumed. Remember that regular, wholesome meals help to burn the energy needed to absorb, transport, store and metabolize food, which creates a specific heat effect. It also speeds up the body’s resting metabolism by 8-16% within 2-3 hours after a meal.

So the idea is to eat well and regularly so that the metabolism does not have an opportunity to slow down. Remember that if you follow an inappropriate diet, your body will not be able to burn the accumulated rolls of fat and you will not achieve the desired effect.

Distribute your meals throughout the day

In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, add an additional 4 mini-meals to your daily schedule – this way you will provide your body with a constant supply of energy, and thus keep your metabolism at high speed. Thanks to this, you will burn a lot of calories. However, it is worth remembering that mini-meals should not consist of hard-to-digest dishes. The best choice will be products rich in fiber and low in calories.

Apples speed up the metabolism

Drink plenty of water to speed up your metabolism

Water helps to cleanse the body and remove toxins from it, which usually helps to build up fat. In a word, water has a beneficial effect on our body!

By keeping your body hydrated, your metabolic rate can increase by up to 30% in the next hour, which means you burn about 24 calories.

Use spicy spices

Enriching your meals with spicy spices – such as c urry, cayenne pepper, black pepper and cumin – helps your body burns fat faster. These products consume more energy as a result of the normal process of generating heat, which greatly accelerates the combustion of the energy provided in the form of a meal.

Chili con carne

Take care of the development of muscle mass

It is not about becoming professional athletes or fanatical gym lovers. All you have to do is lift the weights a few times a day – it doesn’t have to be intense training – and you will gradually notice an increase in muscle mass. This, in turn, is necessary to burn fat and, as a result, to lose unnecessary kilograms.

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