Menopause – How To Fight Hot Flashes?

It is recommended to consume soy or its derivatives twice a day. Including soy in your daily diet will help prevent hot flashes and prevent the release of calcium from your bones.

Women are biologically very active. From the moment you enter puberty until the onset of  menopause. They undergo constant hormonal changes throughout their lives.

Especially when they are giving birth to babies and have to undergo lactation. Along with reaching adulthood, there comes a moment of calm, hormonal balance. The menopause comes and comes with hot flashes.

Menopause – What You Need To Know About Hot Flashes

Hot flush is a sudden rush of heat, felt mainly on the face and upper body parts. Sometimes it may happen that in addition to the heat wave you will feel: nausea, dizziness, excessive sweating and other such complaints.

Generally speaking, the cause of these problems is the menopause. During the period of menopause, your body experiences a sudden drop in estrogen levels.  Hot flashes are especially noticeable for women who lead a sedentary, overweight lifestyle, those who smoke habitually or live under constant stress.

Learn to relieve symptoms because they can be really unbearable. Especially during working hours. The hot flashes distract you, make you lose your rhythm, you feel uncomfortable and you cannot concentrate on the activity you are doing. You can always try hormone therapy. Only the problem will come back over time. For starters, we recommend trying our proven home remedies.

Homemade recipes – fight hot flashes

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps us revitalize our body. It cleans it and restores minerals.

Apple vinegar

As menopause approaches, we must remember it. In addition, it provides us with over 30 different elements and chemical compounds: vitamins, amino acids, mineral salts, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, sodium, zinc, iron, fluorine and many others. Everything you need to regenerate. By the way, it regulates your metabolism.

How to take

  • 2 tablespoons of pure, non-pasteurized apple cider vinegar
  • You can drink it directly from the spoon. Preferably in the evening.
  • If you are unable to drink pure apple cider vinegar, dissolve it in a glass of warm water or fruit juice.


It is important to know that soy contains some plant estrogens that mimic a woman’s natural estrogens. In addition, it is rich in lecithin, which perfectly prevents osteoporosis due to the high calcium content. It must be remembered that the menopause is a time when the amount of calcium in the body drops dramatically. Soy foods include:

  • Soy milk.
  • Soy lecithin.
  • Soybeans.
  • Soy meat.
  • Tofu

We recommend that you eat two servings of soy products a day. One in the morning to avoid hot flashes and the other in the evening to replace the lack of calcium in the body. If you have never eaten this type of food, it may seem tasteless to you. It is just a matter of habit.


It mainly contains natural phytoestrogens, but not only that.


It also has stimulating properties, improves blood circulation in the veins, and thus reduces hot flashes. Most often it is consumed as an infusion, but you can also soak a few leaves of sage in red wine and leave it overnight. If you can’t buy fresh or dry leaves, sage essential oils are just as useful.


  • One tablespoon of fresh sage leaves, or two teaspoons of dried sage.
  • Prepare the infusion. Pour the leaves into a cup and pour boiling water (90ºC) over them.
  • Leave it covered for about 30 minutes. Then strain.
  • Ready. Try to drink the prepared infusion 3 times a day.


If the menopause and its symptoms are rather mild, flaxseed will do just fine here. Like sage, they contain natural phytoestrogens and will help reduce heat attacks. But it is not everything. Also, remember that flaxseed promotes intestinal peristalsis and lowers blood cholesterol levels,  making the menopause less troublesome and improving your metabolism.


  • 2 tablespoons of linseed.
  • You can add them to salads and salads.
  • Stir in yoghurt, juice or add to soup.
  • Sprinkle it over a cheese or jam sandwich. As you prefer.

Red clover

Used for hot flashes, it reduces cholesterol, improves blood circulation, prevents osteoporosis and relieves breast pain. If you are currently taking medication, consult your doctor before taking it. Red clover is much more popular than you think. Primarily because it is used as a flavor in the food industry.


  • 2 teaspoons of dry red clover.
  • Transfer to a cup and pour boiling water (90ºC) over it.
  • Cover and set aside for half an hour.
  • The infusion is ready. Drink it 2-3 times a day.

Don’t forget to exercise

Exercise isn’t directly related to hot flashes, but it makes you generally feel better. Most of all, it helps you to clear your mind and strengthen your body. You can choose any type of exercise: aerobics, jogging, walking, dancing. You can also enroll in yoga classes.

Yoga and stretching asanas

In addition, remember to always wear several layers of clothing. Then, during hot flashes, you can gradually pull them off. But most of all – be patient with yourself and wait for our tips to start working. Also remember that menopause is the next stage in your life and everything will return to normal after a few months.


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