Medicinal Plants – How To Grow Them?

Medicinal plants - how to grow them?

Have you never dreamed of your own garden? We often deny ourselves this pleasure because of insufficient space or lack of time. However, it is really worth, from time to time, playing as a gardener and planting your own plants that can later be used in the kitchen, and even more so if they are medicinal plants. In fact, you don’t need a huge garden around the house, a few pots on the windowsill are enough. Regularly caring for the seedlings, watering them and providing enough light will bring results that are eye-catching. Aloe, mint and chamomile are undemanding and easy to grow medicinal plantshow beneficial for our health. Instead of buying them, try to grow them yourself and take advantage of the benefits mother nature offers us.

Medicinal plants that can be grown in the home garden

1. Aloe

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As mentioned, it is not a particularly demanding plant . If we already plant aloe vera, it should be in a well-lit place. It does not require frequent watering – it is a succulent, which means that it is adapted to living in conditions of limited availability to water. He has developed a water tissue in the leaves, thanks to which he accumulates it. The fleshy leaves are rich in substances that accelerate the regeneration of injured skin. If you want to grow aloe vera at home, remember that it is better to plant it in a clay pot rather than a plastic pot. We fill it with earth and peat, and put a two-centimeter layer of gravel on the bottom – it will act as a drainage. Due to the fact that this plant likes sunlight, remember to put it in a warm place in winter.

2. Mint

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Who refuses to take a break for an afternoon, aromatic mint infusion? It is great for irritation and stomach pains, and also has calming properties. You can successfully combine it with other herbs, decorate desserts with its leaves or season dishes with it. Therefore, if you decide to start your own garden, among your plants, mint should not be missing. You can plant it regardless of the prevailing time of the year, and its additional advantage is that it scares off ants and other nuisance insects. How to take care of it? It is very easy! Mint is not demanding, the only thing you need to remember is that it likes shaded places, so it’s better not to put it in full sun.

3. Sage

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Sage is widely known and used for its healing properties. To admire how it grows, place it in a pot with clay soil, providing a layer of gravel at the bottom. Sage also likes the sun’s rays, so it’s best to place it on the balcony in a well-lit place. It will serve us not only as a seasoning for dishes, but also you can prepare an infusion of it. It has a relaxing and calming effect, but also helps in the digestive system, has anti-inflammatory properties and even alleviates headaches.

4. Parsley

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Parsley is known primarily for its cleansing properties. It will help detoxify our kidneys, eliminate bad breath, improve the work of the immune system, and in addition to improving the taste of our dishes, it will provide a large dose of iron. It is recommended to consume a teaspoon of this spice daily, so we should always have it at hand. How to grow it? Put soil, peat in the pot and gravel at the bottom. Parsley needs 5 hours a day in the sun, then it can be moved to a shady place. Although it takes a long time for the seeds to germinate, do not be discouraged and water it regularly. Even if it seems to us that it will never grow, you need to be patient as it may take several months for the plant to appear.

5. Chamomile

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Chamomile is a herb that should be found in every home garden. It has a relaxing effect, makes it easier to fall asleep, but also regulates heart problems, so it should always be at hand if you need to prepare an infusion. How to grow it? It is best to be planted during the warm summer seasons. Soils with gravel should be placed in a clay pot. Chamomile likes warm places, however, it is not recommended to place it in direct sunlight. Remember that it is best to use chamomile flowers to make the infusion, therefore it is necessary to wait until the flower petals open wide.

Having a few such plants is like having your own mini pharmacy – you can always reach for what you need depending on your ailments. Colds, stomach ailments, wounds that do not want to heal, shattered nerves – nature has its answer to all these ailments, so it’s worth spending a little time and creating your own small garden with healing plants.

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