Ice Cubes – Alternative Use

Discover how you can apply ice cubes in a different, much less obvious way.
Ice cubes - alternative use

In addition to chilling or decorating drinks when you want them cold, ice cubes have many other uses. Discover how you can apply ice cubes in a completely different, much less obvious way.

Read our today’s article to find out everything you need to know. This way you will be able to enjoy all the custom uses for ice cubes!

What can ice cubes be used for?

Ice cubes are your truly perfect allies in everyday life. They can prove to be extremely beneficial for your health, appearance and even to improve the interior of your home.

Here are some of the coolest uses for ice cubes you can find and you’ve probably never heard of:

1. Removal of chewing gum from fabrics

If you’ve ever sat on a chewing gum, if you’ve got gum tangled in your hair, or if it has fallen on your carpet or sofa, don’t worry. And all because ice cubes will help you deal with this problem quickly and efficiently!

All you need to do is just rub the gum with ice until it becomes hard and frozen to the bone. Then, using a knife, you can carefully scrape or crush it.

Chewing gum

The frozen chewing gum will come off quickly. However, if it sticks too tightly, you can put the rubberized object in the freezer (as long as it fits, of course) for a few minutes. And then try to get rid of the gum again.

If, on the other hand, chewing gum is stuck in your hair, you can use a similar technique. Wrap your hair with gum around the ice cube and press down lightly. As a result, after a few minutes, the rubber will freeze and no longer be sticky. After that, you just have to slowly and carefully chuck out the gum and release individual hairs.

2. Irrigation of potted plants

If you have plants hanging in pots at home or you are away for the weekend, you will have no problem watering them periodically.

Potted plant

You can just leave a few ice cubes tucked into the pots. They will melt slowly and water the soil at the same time.

3. Moisturize the skin of your face

The only time your face doesn’t need hydration is when it’s hot outside or when you spend some time outdoors.

If you feel that your face is swollen or red, ice cubes can be of great help to relieve these unpleasant symptoms. How to use them? It’s actually very simple:

  • Before going to bed, fill a plastic bag with ice cubes.
  • Apply it on your face and neck for no more than 3 minutes.

In addition, this method will help you sleep better as it provides the necessary relaxation just before falling asleep.

4. Heating rice or pasta

If you have leftover food from the night before and you want to microwave it, you might have skipped the idea. And all because such treated products, such as rice or pasta, simply do not taste very good.

A few ice cubes

However, in order to prevent the rice or pasta from drying out in the microwave oven and, as a result, their taste is not very attractive, it is enough to put ice cubes on top.

Now just put the dish in the microwave and start heating the dish as normal. The ice cubes will melt in this way, and the water that flows out of them will provide adequate moisture and good taste of the food reheated in this way.

5. Smoothing out creases in the floor covering

When a heavy piece of furniture stands on a carpet for several months or years, creases can form, which then become difficult to hide when the piece of furniture is moved.

The distinctive marks left by a sofa, table or other heavy furniture on a carpet or rug are not very pleasing to the eye. They also do not constitute a desirable interior decoration for a house or apartment.

You can solve this problem very easily. All you need to do is place a few ice cubes on the folds. When these melt, brush your rug or rug carefully and you’ll see the unwanted crease disappear by itself in no time.

6. Getting rid of wrinkles and acne

Ice cubes can be an effective treatment for pimples and expression lines. Just wash your face well every night. Then, wrap the ice cubes in a clean towel and apply them to the affected areas for about 5 minutes.

Removing wrinkles

The very next day you will see that your acne has been significantly reduced. In the case of wrinkles, the cold stimulates blood circulation. You can massage your skin with ice cubes every day.

This will allow you to reduce the visibility of existing wrinkles and expression lines, and prevent new ones from forming.

7. Improving the flavor of cough syrup

While nearly all the medications that can be prescribed for coughing come in pill form, there are still some that are syrups and don’t taste good.

To avoid this, chew on a piece of ice a few seconds before drinking the syrup to keep the tongue numb and less sensitive to the taste.

8. Ironing creases in clothes

This trick can also help you iron your clothes. For example shirts that crease easily. And how to do it? It’s easy:

  • Turn on the iron and wrap the ice cubes in a towel.
  • Spread them over the folds, and then iron the garment as you have done so far.
  • You will immediately see that the creases will “magically” disappear.

9. Reduction of eyelid swelling

Just wrap the ice in a towel and put it on your eyelids for about two minutes. Then massage the eye area with gentle, circular movements. That’s all. You’ll see the difference right away.

10. Reduction of pain after hair removal

If you use wax to remove hair, some areas of your body may be more sensitive to pain than others. Pulling out the hair follicles is definitely not a pleasant task.

However, the good news is that you can reduce the pain you experience on this occasion by using ice cubes.

Relief of irritation

Just wrap the ice cubes in a towel and apply to the areas you want to depilate.

This trick is most effective on smaller areas of skin, such as underarms and eyebrows. Another option is to apply ice immediately after shaving your face or epilating to ease the burning sensation.

11. Rapid healing and relief from blisters or burns

If you have burned yourself on a gas stove or using an iron, or spent several hours in the blazing sun, you can relieve pain, swelling and reddening of the skin. Additionally, you can also prevent annoying blisters. Just apply ice cubes directly to the burned area of ​​skin.

You can also use ice to remove bruises caused by an impact or a fall. The cold quickly closes the blood vessels, as a result of which the trace of the injury becomes much less visible and disappears faster.

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