How To Throw Away Bad Habits With The New Year?

New Years is always the time to implement new resolutions. We advise you how to get rid of bad habits that are ruining your health and quality of life.
How to put down bad habits with the new year?

We have had a new year for several weeks now. And as always, you probably already have a list of goals for 2021 in your mind, and one of them, as usual, is about habits. Will you decide to give up bad habits in the new year?

We wish you good luck, but we know that also as soon as you make a decision, it is just as easy to give up a goal and not implement it at all. It’s actually a classic case. Not filling out any of the things on your list of quitting habits or goals to achieve is as typical as saying you start your diet on Monday.

But do not worry. If this year you have more determination and fulfill your obligations towards yourself, you can count on us. To become a new person full of good energy in 2021, we will teach you how to let go of bad habits and start January with the right approach.

Bad habits that are worth discarding in the new year

Habit is behavior that repeats very often in our daily life. It can be good or bad things. Bad habits are those that threaten our health and quality of life, with negative effects.

1. Quit smoking – the basic habit you have to break with

According to the WHO, tobacco use kills 8 million lives a year. Moreover, smokers are among the most susceptible to various diseases. In fact, cigarette smoking is associated with approximately 80% to 90% of lung cancer deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

So smokers are 15 to 30 times more likely to die from lung cancer than non-smokers. Therefore, those who quit this harmful habit reduce their risk. Kidshealth recommends that you seek the support of family and friends and take some steps to stop smoking:

  • Set a start date for the process.
  • Throw away all your cigarettes.
  • Wash clothes and anything that smells of tobacco.
  • Analyze why you are smoking and remove any connections to that cause.
  • Replace cigarettes with something else, such as mint or carrots.
How to put down bad habits in the new year
Lung cancer is directly related to smoking, so it’s a habit you need to break with.

2. Avoid clutter

Pile gathering attracts dust and is ideal for unwanted guests such as dust mites that trigger allergies. Allergies are the body’s extreme reaction to certain substances. In the case of dust, symptoms are usually respiratory.

To get rid of allergies, remove the excess stuff accumulated in boxes. In addition, throw away old magazines, newspapers, table decorations, and other items that may have mites. Clean the apartment often, use blinds instead of curtains, and shake the mattress well regularly.

3. Avoid eating late in the evening

On vacation, you usually get up late and skip breakfast, or go to bed very late and eat a variety of snacks while watching TV shows at night. Not to mention afternoon snacks full of sugar.

We all eat late at night. Research indicates that this habit is associated with weight gain and metabolic disorders that may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

4. Procrastination – a habit with which it is better to break

Procrastination is postponing any planned activities until later by looking for various excuses. This is because you want to avoid situations that generate some type of stress at all costs. Unfortunately, this has a negative effect on emotional health.

In order to let go of bad procrastination habits, it is advisable to use mindfulness and be aware of the situation. Procrastination is actually a decision to do nothing, knowing full well that things will only get worse in the long run.

What can help? Well, it is suggested that you break the task down into several phases or sections to make the process more bearable.

Meditation at work
Practicing mindfulness can help us achieve the goals we have set for ourselves so that we can focus on the present.

How to give up bad habits in the New Year?

As people, we are made up of habits. Every day we repeat almost the same patterns in some things. Therefore, rejecting them is not easy. It requires a lot of discipline, effort and dedication. However, to get rid of bad habits, there are strategies to improve effectiveness.

First, determine why you want to do this. Take a look at the reasons why you get into a bad habit. It can be stress, hunger, or an automatic response to some external stimulus.

Then terminate the triggering processes. Make a difference in your routine. It’s important to stop feeling the reason that leads to repeating a bad habit. Break away from these automatic processes. If you know that street noise stress is causing you to bite your nails, change rooms or learn how to isolate yourself from noise.

The next thing is to replace one habit with another. If your lip biting habit is, you may find another activity that is beneficial to your health and does no harm. Start exercising, reading, chewing on carrots, apples or mints.

In general, learned, automated behavior is what makes up our weekday. They stay deep in the subconscious mind, setting our routine to run. But for our well-being, it’s always good to let go of the old, learn something to learn and start over.

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