Home Treatment For Muscle Spasms

Home treatment is paramount for persistent muscle cramps!
Home treatment for muscle spasms

Muscle contractions can last several minutes and can be very painful. They affect different areas of the body and can appear even when you are lying down or even asleep. This is why home treatment for muscle spasms is so important.

Muscle spasms are uncontrolled strong twitching or contraction of the muscles in question. They are usually very painful. The shortest ones last a few seconds, and extremely bothersome attacks last up to several minutes. It is possible for several different muscles to contract at the same time.

Cramps can occur in virtually any muscle group. They most often affect the calf and thigh muscles, as well as those located in the feet, hands, neck, nape and abdomen. It is also not uncommon to twitch the fine muscles of the face.

In today’s article, we’ll tell you what home treatment for muscle spasms to take to deal with recurring discomfort. Here are some remedies for emergency treatment, preventing cramps, and a handful of helpful tips!

Muscle spasms: causes

Muscle spasms are caused by overactive nerves that stimulate the muscles. This hyperactivity, in turn, may be the result of the following states and events:

  • Intense physical activity  (contraction may occur during or after exercise)
  • Dehydration (especially in the elderly and those taking diuretic medications and herbs)
  • Pregnancy (in pregnancy, muscle spasms are usually caused by low levels of magnesium)
  • Electrolyte imbalance, mainly a decrease in calcium and magnesium levels
  • Bone damage (the muscles around the damaged bone contract involuntarily to provide stability and protection)
  • Metabolism disorders  caused by and associated with diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, alcoholism and hypoglycaemia
  • Neurological conditions  such as Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or myopathies
  • Venous insufficiency or varicose veins of the lower extremities
  • Long periods of inactivity (especially if we maintain poor posture while sitting)

Prevention of muscle cramps

Home treatment of muscle spasms is primarily prevention. Start with preventive measures! First, always warm up and then stretch before exercising. Also, after you’re done, take a few minutes for another stretching session. This is especially important for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

It is also important to keep yourself hydrated before, during and after exercise. Try not to exercise too hard on hot days.

Many of us suffer from muscle cramps at night – especially in the legs and feet. The cause of this phenomenon is unknown. Typically, people with this problem have ancestors and relatives in a similar situation. Scientists have yet to discover the mechanism behind this problem.

If you are also having cramps, we recommend that you stretch 15 minutes before going to bed. We also suggest eating more foods that contain calcium and magnesium. Stay hydrated throughout the day and avoid long periods of inactivity.

What to do when you have a contraction?

Stretching is the best way to prevent cramps, especially in the legs. However, it is important to remember that this type of exercise will not give you immediate results.

You need to spend a few weeks diligently stretching each day to keep your muscles stronger and less prone to sudden, uncontrolled contractions.

Frequent stretching and adequate hydration are essential for home treatment for idiopathic muscle spasms.

As for controlling hydration, watch the color of your urine carefully. This is the best way. When it becomes dehydrated, your urine will be dark yellow in color and have a strong odor. If, on the other hand, you drink enough fluids, your urine will be pale and almost odorless.

Home treatment for muscle spasm: herbs, treatments, tips


Start your home treatment for muscle spasms by taking the right dose of magnesium and potassium!

What can you do?

  • Eat a banana before exercising.
  • You can also make a fruit smoothie.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is inconspicuous, but you will find a strong ally in it. Vinegar improves circulation and acts as a tonic. You can apply it directly to the skin.

Rub the apple cider vinegar on your skin.


  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (30 ml)


  • Rub the vinegar on your cramps. Apply a short massage and let the vinegar dry.


Arnica flowers are used to heal bruises, arthritis pain and numb limbs. You can easily prepare the infusion for drinking or soak a fabric with it and apply it to the sore spot.

Arnica therefore has several uses and will bring relief quickly. This is why home treatment for muscle spasms is so important!

You can apply arnica in several ways.


  • 1 tablespoon of dried arnica flowers (15 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Pour the water into a saucepan and add the flowers.
  • Then boil the water and turn off the gas. Leave the infusion for 5-7 minutes, strain, pour into a glass and drink it.
  • You can also soak a cotton towel with the infusion and prepare a warm compress.

Try massages

Massage will bring you immediate pain relief. Apply pressure to the sore area and massage it with circular movements. You can apply an anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointment – it’s often used by athletes. Thanks to this combination, you will soothe pain, relax tense muscles and improve circulation.

Massage will bring you immediate relief.


  • Massage the muscles in circular motions, ideally while rubbing in the anti-inflammatory pain ointment at the same time.

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