Having A Son Is The Greatest Treasure

Boys are usually more independent, so we must try to understand their needs and create a kind of bond. Only then will we gain their full trust.
Having a son is the greatest treasure

Having a  son is a real treasure for any parent. It is a reflection of a new life and hope to give the world a brave man who will be able to make others happy. All children are wonderful and unique, whether it’s a boy or a girl.

It is known, however, that the character of boys is more specific, which should be kept in mind. If you have a  son , you know that he has his own opinion and separate character. We have to teach him responsibility, maturity and happiness. Today we will tell you how to achieve it.

Are you raising your son? Some tips and strategies

A boy, a photo of his son

Don’t teach him to be the strongest, the smartest, or the bravest. Teach him to be “himself”

This is the most common mistake. We remind you: avoid stereotypes.

  • Many parents want their son to play football, to be the strongest in the school, the bravest and smartest in the class. Nothing could be more wrong.
  • The upbringing of a son should not be different from that of a daughter: let him be what he wants. Let him do the sports he wants to do. Let him make his dreams come true.
  • You shouldn’t force your child to do things he doesn’t want to do.
  • Remember that the point is not to create your own double. Share with your son what you like, but don’t impose your preferences on him.

Do you have a son? Remember that boys have a right to cry too

Boys are not born stronger than girls. Some parents very often make the mistake of telling their son:  don’t cry because boys must be strong and they cannot cry.

  • Boys, just like girls, need to express their emotions. Let them cry if they feel like it.
  • Remember that proper communication is the key to upbringing. Try to form a kind of bond from the very beginning.
  • Don’t make fun of your son and don’t be ironic to him. Listen to his ideas, thoughts, emotions and interests. These are very important things for him, and if you laugh at him, he will eventually stop trusting you.
Son with mother

Boys are looking for their own space from an early age

Boys have moments when they are looking for a mother’s affection, and then they want to be alone and independent. And at a very young age.

  • You need to be patient, intelligent, and negotiable. The boys will react negatively to any prohibition. It is up to you what arguments you use and how you justify your decisions.
  • If your son demands his own space and rights, teach him about duties and responsibilities.
  • From an early age, he should have tasks to do (just like girls).

Aspects such as ordering your own room, helping at home, caring for pets are indispensable parts of growing up.

Mom kisses her son on the cheek

Having a son is a treasure and a challenge. His upbringing is based on understanding his needs and appropriate emotional communication. He must have 100% confidence in us. Respect his character and preferences. Be a support and an example for him. Teach him maturity and fight to make his dreams come true.

As parents, we love our children, whether they are boys or girls. Let us remember to educate them in the same way: based on the same rights and obligations. It is really important.

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