Fruit For A Healthy Liver And Kidneys!

Fruit for a healthy liver and kidneys!

How can we better take care of liver and kidney health? The key here is to improve our lifestyle: eat a healthy and balanced diet, low in salt and fats, and at the same time rich in raw fruit and vegetables.

A healthy lifestyle also includes regular physical activity, quitting smoking, and controlling emotions and stress.

If you want to take care of the health of the liver and kidneys, use the natural allies of the health of these organs – fruit ! Find out in our article which fruits best support the work of the liver and kidneys.

Healthy fruit for the liver and kidneys – Watermelon

Watermelon and pears

Most of us love watermelons. This delicious fruit perfectly quenches thirst in summer and is one of the best ingredients in refreshing cocktails, and is also an ideal addition to many dishes.

Have you ever tried a spinach salad with fresh cheese, nuts, watermelon and mint? If not, be sure to try it – it’s brilliant!

Find out why watermelons are a fruit that supports liver and kidney health.

  • Watermelon is one of the best fruits supporting the natural cleansing of the kidneys and improving the functioning of the liver, because it has strong cleansing and diuretic properties.
  • One of the healthiest forms of consuming watermelon is drinking watermelon juice. It easily cleanses the body’s tissues and blood, thus stimulating the basic functions of the kidneys.
  • Remember to eat watermelon fresh and chilled. If it’s too mature or even rotten, it can cause us more trouble than good.


Berry juice

By far the healthiest is fresh blueberry juice. In addition to being very tasty, it is also one of the best natural methods of cleansing the bladder and kidneys and supporting liver function. Discover the most important benefits of blueberries!

  • Blueberries are a valuable source of antioxidants and a natural detoxifying agent for the body.
  • They perfectly remove toxins, cleanse the body and protect it against free radicals.
  • One of the best known properties of blueberries is their ability to prevent bacterial build-up in the bladder. By consuming these unusual fruits, we effectively protect the entire digestive system.


Lemon is perhaps the best natural medicine to keep us healthy every day.

We have mentioned many times about the amazing health benefits of regularly consuming a glass of warm water with lemon juice every morning, but today we want to show that lemon also takes great care of the health of the liver and kidneys.

  • Lemon is a natural cleansing and detoxifying agent that has proven to be very useful in treating fatty liver, for example.
  • Lemons are fruits rich in vitamins and minerals that help optimize and strengthen the work of the liver and kidneys.
  • Another advantage of lemon is that it supports the process of decomposition of food delivered to the stomach. In this way, with the help of lemon, we can facilitate digestion.


Fresh apples

Green and red apples… They are all healthy! Go ahead and choose the ones you like the most or the ones that look the most appetizing. These delicious and cheap fruits are a great friend of a healthy body – they not only care for the health of the liver, but also protect the heart.

Try to include one apple a day in your diet, for example for breakfast, from today. Remember to always eat them with the skin on – then it provides the most ingredients.

  • Apples not only lower cholesterol and triglycerides, but also perfectly support the basic functions of the kidneys and help cleanse the liver.
  • The ideal serving size is one apple a day. However, remember to eat these fruits with the skin, of course thoroughly washed beforehand.

Red grapes

Red grapes

The darker the grapes, the better! Always choose the purple ones. Reason? They are the richest in antioxidants, and their healing properties are much stronger than in the case of light-colored grapes.

  • Grapes are fruits with strong diuretic properties and help to clean the kidneys and support liver functions.
  • As is well known, grapes are a treasure trove of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. What’s more, they support the removal of all kinds of toxins and harmful substances from the body.
  • Grapes are very rich in water – almost 80% of their composition is water. Therefore, it is recommended to eat them daily, preferably with the skin – as in the case of apples or pears, it is the grape skin that contains the most nutrients.
  • Grapes can be eaten in many ways: as an addition to morning porridge, with Greek or natural yoghurt, as an ingredient in spinach and nut salad or even in combination with watermelon.
  • You’re probably wondering whether drinking a glass of wine a day is healthy for your liver and kidneys. Well, we confirm that it is!
  • Red wine is a valuable source of resveratrol – a powerful antioxidant present in grapes. Numerous studies confirm that they are also effective in the treatment of fatty liver.
  • However, remember about moderation – a glass of red wine a day is enough.

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