Desserts In The Diet – Why Are They So Important?

Desserts in the diet - why are they so important?

You may have been advised to eliminate dessert from your diet many times. In this article, we’re going to show you why this advice is inappropriate, and how healthy desserts are important to your diet .

We will tell you why it is so important to include desserts in your diet, even though the concept involves eating sweet foods. To this day, we know for sure that the abuse of simple sugars is not a good solution. These ingredients are capable of conditioning metabolic health. However, there are other alternatives to offer as desserts .

Before we begin, we need to debunk an important myth: Dairy desserts are not the same as yoghurts. It is imperative that this premise be very clear, because sometimes the two concepts are confused with each other. Both products differ in both composition and properties. Read on to find out how important a good dessert is to your diet.

Yoghurt for dessert

It is important to include desserts in your diet as this is one of the best times of the day to include yogurt in your diet. These lactic acid fermented foods are rich in probiotics.

Probiotics are living bacteria that are beneficial to the body and are able to colonize the digestive tract. Their regular consumption is associated with a lower risk of gastrointestinal problems , according to a review published in the journal American Family Physician .

They not only prevent the appearance of diarrhea. These microorganisms are used to treat chronic diseases. There is sufficient scientific evidence to confirm that the administration of probiotics improves the course of inflammatory bowel pathologies for which no cure has yet been found.

There are two ways to reap the benefits of probiotics. The first is to include the supplement in your diet. The second, by adding dessert, specifically yoghurt, to our daily diet.

Natural yogurt
Yogurt is a great option to include probiotics in our diet.

Fruits are important – eat them for dessert

Some authors have advised in the past not to eat fruit as dessert but before meals to increase satiety. However, the scientific literature does not support this claim.

Eating fruit is beneficial at almost any time of the day. In fact, their polyphenol content is associated with a lower risk of inflammation at the systemic level. This is confirmed by research collected in the journal Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.

For this reason, we recommend eating fruit after meals and of course as snacks. Always go for those varieties rich in soluble fiber, such as apples. According to scientists, they contain pectin in their composition, which contributes to better intestinal health.

Not all desserts are good, watch out for sweets

Now you know why it’s so important to include desserts in your diet. However, as we mentioned at the beginning, not all of them are of the same quality. The concept of dessert is often associated with the consumption of sweets and processed foods.

Rice puddings or puddings are low-nutrient foods, rich in additives and simple carbohydrates that affect the blood glucose curve. Regularly including these types of desserts in your diet can lead to insulin resistance, which is the prelude to diabetes.

Remember that diabetes is a chronic disease that determines the condition of the body for life. When it develops, there is no cure for it. Some studies even link the emergence of this pathology with an increased risk of cancer. However, more research is needed to prove this link.

In that case, the best medicine is prevention. To do this, take care of the foods you eat for dessert and between main meals. If you must choose between something sweet and another option, consider this in the context of your overall eating plan.

Various fruits
Fruit for dessert provides fiber and nutrients that are essential for metabolic health.

It is important to include healthy desserts in your diet

Not all products are created equal. However, it is worth taking particular care of the ones you eat for dessert. This choice may have an impact on the overall quality of the diet. No matter how hard you try to prepare your main meals, a  regularly consumed sweet dessert can ruin the effort you put into your diet.

It’s not that you can’t afford dessert, but that you need to make sure that an unhealthy dessert is just a temporary indulgence. Basically, it’s important to include healthy desserts in your diet. Both fruit and yoghurt are the perfect complement.

They have a slightly sweet character and their consumption is associated with improved health. You can combine them with each other to take advantage of all their properties.

Finally, we want to warn you that not all yoghurt is considered healthy. Look at the label and choose one that does not contain added sugar, otherwise its nutritional value is reduced.

Natural yoghurts are the best option. Even so, you can indulge in Greek yoghurt from time to time if you are not overweight.

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