Calcium Supplementation – What Will Be The Best?

There are several types of calcium supplementation on the market. The choice between one and the other solution depends on our individual needs. Sometimes it is necessary to take an extra dose of calcium to improve the absorption of this nutrient by the body.
Calcium supplementation - what will be the best?

Low calcium intake can lead to premature osteoporosis, especially in women who have reached the menopausal stage. So why might calcium supplementation be necessary? In what form should we use it? Which will be the best in our case? This article will provide you with this and other relevant information.

Calcium assimilation is usually related to the level of vitamin D in the body. For this reason, it is interesting to keep the values โ€‹โ€‹of both of these nutrients within recommended levels. However, there are certain types of foods that can interfere with the absorption of calcium in our diet. A typical example is fiber. 

To ensure supply of this mineral, it is a good idea to use dietary aid. But not all supplements are the same, so it’s worth knowing which to choose according to your individual needs.

Calcium – what is it responsible for in our body?

  • First of all, calcium regulates muscle contractility.
  • Takes part in the transport and transmission of nervous stimuli.
  • Moreover, it is an essential element for the regulation of heart function and adequate blood pressure.
  • It also participates in the activation of enzymes and is involved in the process of apoptosis.

How does a shortage occur? It may be caused by diet, but also by factors increasing its excretion in the urine. However, high protein intake, or even excessive sodium (i.e. salt) content in our daily diet, can contribute to this.

Calcium supplementation in the diet – its types

The most common form of externally ingested calcium is calcium carbonate. It usually comes in an inexpensive formula that is easy to prepare and eat. It often comes in the form of capsules or lozenges.

They provide about 200 mg of calcium per dose. Among the prescription products, calcium citrate (a salt of calcium and citric acid) is the most commonly used.

Calcium supplementation - capsules

Besides these two forms, we can find calcium lactate, calcium phosphate and calcium gluconate on the market. However, these are forms that contain less calcium than those mentioned earlier.

Calcium supplementation requires a certain amount of caution and responsibility. We should pay attention to product labels. It is important not to choose products made of unrefined oyster shell or bone meal. They can contain traces of heavy metals.

How to increase calcium intake in our diet?

There are a number of important recommendations to consider when looking for more calcium.

  • First, the dose of the supplement should be gradually increased.
  • On the other hand, it is convenient to distribute this dose throughout the day, thus avoiding gastrointestinal side effects.
  • In addition, you usually need to combine calcium intake with an increased intake of vitamin D. This can be done by exposure to the sun, increasing the consumption of blue fish, or by taking a supplement rich in this nutrient.

Dietary supplementation and required precautions

The worst side effect of calcium overdose may be the development of kidney stones. This type of pathology does not appear in everyone, but in those who have an unfortunate predisposition to it.

In addition, excess calcium can interfere with the absorption of other nutrients such as iron, zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus.  Therefore, we should not exceed the recommended daily intake of calcium.

In the event that you consume excess calcium or experience side effects from its intake, it is best to increase your fluid intake and high fiber foods to limit absorption.

Calcium supplementation – an essential element for bone health

Dairy products, like green vegetables, contain calcium. However, their consumption is not always sufficient to obtain the recommended daily amounts.

Dairy products contain calcium

First of all, remember that this mineral is directly related to bone health and function. In general, it is found in dairy products and green vegetables, but there are situations where the consumption proves to be insufficient.

Importantly, if we guarantee a daily consumption of 5 servings of fruit and vegetables, and 3 servings of dairy products – we will reduce the risk of deficiencies of this nutrient.


However, it is important to carefully and gradually increase the dose to prevent side effects. Finally, it should be noted that it is possible to combine a calcium supplement with a vitamin D supplement to maximize absorption and bioavailability.

Of course, it is advisable to consult a specialist physician or dietitian before taking any supplement. After all, we want him to properly assess your needs and predispositions, indicating the appropriate dose.

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