Baby’s Hair – Take Care Of It Properly!

Your baby’s nutrition is very important. In addition to the fact that this way he will grow healthy and strong, his hair will also benefit from it!
Baby's hair - take care of it properly!

Our children’s hair changes significantly over time. Starting with the infant stage, it is well known that there are few of them, but if you don’t even look back, there will be more and more of them. At this point, you should try to ensure the optimal conditions for them to grow healthy and strong.

In addition, from these first moments you should also get used to and teach children how to properly care for their hair. Especially girls should learn to take care of their strands from an early age.

Children and hair – everything you need to know

Hair is not only an attribute of beauty and attractive appearance. Like all other parts of our body, they also need proper care and hygiene. The sooner you make your child aware of this, the better.

In this article, you will find a few tips that will help you take care of your child’s hair in the right way. Thanks to them, they will grow healthy, strong and beautiful.

1. Characteristics of the growth of children’s hair

Don’t worry if you notice that your little one was born with modest hair and that it doesn’t change over time. There is nothing disturbing about it. Everyone has their own hair growth rate, which is genetically determined.

So we have nothing else to do but patiently wait for the lush hair of our baby. The rule confirms that usually after the age of three, the hair covers the entire head of a child. They are shiny, healthy and even start to spin.

However, it should be remembered that the hair with which our child comes into the world is not its final appearance. Moreover, it can change enormously over time. Many babies are born with light blonde hair that grows darker and darker as they grow older.

The same is true of the eyes. Babies are born with blue, dark gray eyes and it is only at the age of 8-9 months that the color is defined. Therefore, only after this time has passed, it is possible to determine with greater certainty what color of eyes our child will have.

Why is this happening?

In infants, melanin-producing cells are still immature, therefore the genetically determined eye and hair color is not definitively determined.

2. For strong and healthy hair – diet is crucial

As is well known, children need a varied, balanced diet. Undoubtedly, it should be rich in proteins, vitamins and other nutrients.

Which nutrients will support your baby’s hair growth and keep it strong and healthy?

Banana cocktail strengthens your hair

Vitamin B (biotin) is essential when it comes to hair, especially in the early stages of a baby’s life.

In addition to the fact that we all have genes written about what our hair will look like and what will be its quantity, it is important to include ingredients in the diet that will stimulate its growth. Therefore, do not forget to include the following products in your child’s menu:

  • eggs
  • Rye bread
  • cheeses and yoghurts
  • an avocado
  • raspberries
  • sardines
  • salmon
  • trout
  • Italian nuts
  • bananas
  • tomatoes

Be careful with your baby’s hair

Do children need the same hair care and hygiene as us adults? How to properly take care of them so that they can grow healthy and strong? Here are some tips that you will definitely find useful:

1. How often should a child’s head be washed?

It is not advisable to wash your hair every day, as it will lead to your hair becoming dry. Washing every other day is more than enough. The child’s activity should also be taken into account in this respect.

The girl is scratching her head

If your head is nervous and mobile and sweating a lot, you should wash your head more often. Remember to always use hypoallergenic products for care that will maintain the natural pH of your baby’s scalp.

2. Hair difficult to comb

Especially the long hair of little girls will cause us a lot of trouble when detangling them. It’s a good idea to brush the strands two to three times a day. Thanks to this, we will also stimulate the growth of bulbs, as well as stimulate the blood circulation of the head and oxygenate the cells.

Keep in mind the following tips:

Coconut oil

This product is well known for its beneficial effects on both the skin and the condition of the hair. Works like a conditioner. It is enough to rub a few drops of coconut oil in your hands and then apply them to the child’s hair from the top of the head to the ends.

After you finish detangling, it is recommended to use a comb with widely spaced teeth.

Warm distilled water and conditioner

In this case, use a spray bottle. We put distilled water in it, which does not dry out the hair. Before that, you need to heat it up and mix it with a bit of the conditioner that we use ourselves every day.

Shake it and spread over the baby’s hair. This trick will make detangling tangled hair much easier.

Apple cider vinegar once a week

Just put 100 ml of water and 25 ml of apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle. Apply the mixture to the child’s damp hair and leave it to act for about 15 minutes. After the recommended time has elapsed, you should wash your head again. You will see what strands will be smooth and soft to the touch!

3. We say NO to straighteners and dryers!

Nothing will happen if you straighten your child’s hair on the occasion of an important celebration or communion.

It is very important to remember that if you want your child’s hair to be healthy and strong, do not apply any aggressive products, such as hairspray or dyes, and avoid high-temperature treatments, such as straightening or drying. .

The later the hair starts to be treated like this, the better. Also remember that every time before going to bed, the girl should get rid of all pins and rubber bands and brush the strands thoroughly.

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