Artichokes – 6 Health Properties

Although they are best known for their diuretic properties, artichokes have many other properties as well. Find out more in this article!
Artichokes - 6 health properties

Have you ever heard the nutritional properties of artichokes ? Nowadays, taking care of yourself has become a daily duty. Therefore, we must not only follow medical recommendations and regularly check ourselves: it is also important to follow a healthy diet.

We must include in it those food products that provide us with nutrients important for health, ensuring our well-being, improving the quality of life and even our appearance.

There are countless articles and opinions on which fruits, vegetables and grains we should eat, how to combine them and when depending on the benefits we expect from them.

Today we will introduce you to artichokes, a green vegetable which has an immense treasure trove of vitamins hidden in its leaves, sought and appreciated since time immemorial. In the Middle Ages, it was one of the most expensive vegetables for which wealthy people paid large sums of money.

Fortunately, this wonderful vegetable is now available to everyone!

Artichokes – some interesting facts

  • Believe it or not, artichokes can be eaten whole. This is important because they have so many benefits and nutrient richness that nothing should be missed.
  • You can even find artichoke extract capsules in some stores.
  • When buying natural artichokes, you should choose the heaviest ones with the thickest leaves and a light green color. This means they are fresh and contain the most vitamins.
    Artichokes in the basket

Now that you know how important they are, we will list the 6 main benefits of artichoke:

Artichokes – 6 health benefits

1. Perfectly improve digestion

Artichokes are great for the digestive system. This makes them ideal for the treatment of rheumatic diseases, gallbladder stones and uric acid imbalances.

They regulate the imbalance in bowel movements, helping with both constipation and diarrhea.

2. They reduce the level of triglycerides and cholesterol

The nutrients in artichokes help lower triglyceride levels.

They also lower blood cholesterol, especially bad cholesterol (LDL), and raise good cholesterol (HDL).

This feature makes them a great ally in the fight against chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.

3. Favorite diets

Due to the high fiber content, artichokes are ideal for proper appetite control.

Artichokes are an important ingredient in many diets


They absorb water in the stomach, which causes them to increase in volume and fill it. In this way, they create a pleasant feeling of satiety and keep you from overeating due to anxiety or greed.

4. Amazing diuretic properties

This green miracle also helps fight fluid retention and eliminates waste from your body including dangerous toxins and other harmful substances.

Artichokes are ideal for the natural treatment of ailments such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Circulation problems
  • Liver problems
  • Excessive body weight

5. Artichokes prevent cancer

Few scientific studies have been conducted purely on artichokes because of the nutritional properties they contain .

These studies have resulted in fascinating discoveries. The caffeic acid and flavonoids found in artichokes are great for preventing cancer and can even be helpful in treating them.

6. They provide the body with countless vitamins

We have already mentioned several times that artichokes contain many nutrients, and we must not fail to mention that the high vitamin content is one of their countless benefits.

Among the vitamins and minerals found in artichokes, vitamins A and B, magnesium, potassium, sodium and iron stand out the most. They also convert sugar into energy.

This vegetable contains many vitamins



Still doubting whether to include artichokes in your diet? Don’t hesitate! Add artichokes to your daily meals to make the most of their excellent health benefits. Their countless benefits make this vegetable a must-have on your table.

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