Anal Cancer – 5 Characteristic Symptoms – Step To Health

Shame is not a good counselor – be sure to see a specialist if you experience disturbing symptoms. In the case of anal cancers, early diagnosis is essential for treatment to be effective.
Anal cancer - 5 characteristic symptoms

Anal cancer  is a very serious, but often embarrassing, disease that is rarely mentioned. This type of cancer is less common than breast or lung cancer, which is why we rarely hear about it.

According to the Spanish Cancer Society (AECC),  anal cancer accounts for about 1.9% of all cancers of the digestive system.

It may not be too high a number, but it is still worth talking openly about the symptoms that may indicate this type of cancer. As with all diseases, the earlier the diagnosis, the better the chances of recovery.

Anal cancer – what should you know about it?

Anal cancer is much more common in men than in women, and more cases are also reported among patients over 50 years of age. The main risk factors include:

  • smoking
  • higher life expectancy predictability
  • human papillomavirus (HPV) infection

The biggest problem we face with this cancer is that it grows initially without any obvious symptoms. Some hemorrhoidal patients also take bleeding or pain as one of the symptoms of the disease, not of the developing cancer.

This, as well as shame – because it is an rectal cancer – causes many patients to refrain from visiting a specialist for a long time.

Anal cancer – a silent killer

We do not always attach as much importance to the signals sent to us by the body as we should. We do not have the habit of checking our health regularly – for example by checking for any possible defecation disorders or the appearance of the stools.

The anus is an opening closed by a ring of circular muscles, made up of numerous cells that, for a variety of reasons, can undergo genetic alteration. Consequently, they can lead to neoplastic changes.

We have already mentioned the risk factors that can contribute to the formation of cancer cells above. However, not everything depends only on our habits and everyday choices. Below is a list of symptoms that may indicate the development of anal cancer.

1. Bleeding

Bleeding during a bowel movement is the first symptom that you should watch out for. Occasional or one-off bleeding may be of a different origin than anal cancer. Nevertheless, a visit to a specialist is recommended immediately.

Toilet paper

Occasionally, bleeding may be related to conditions such as hemorrhoids, infection, or various ailments in the digestive and excretory systems. As soon as such a problem arises, it is necessary to go to a doctor who will make an appropriate diagnosis.

2. Feeling of pressure on the anus

Many patients diagnosed with this type of cancer complain of a constant feeling of fullness or pressure around the anus. This causes discomfort and even itching. It even happens that it takes away the person’s ability to control the muscles in the anus.

Initially, this symptom is almost imperceptible. After about six months, it becomes so evident that patients decide to see a doctor.

3. The occurrence of warts

Anal cancer can have different accompanying symptoms. One of them is the presence of warts in this area. Lumps or warts can be inside or outside the gut, causing discomfort and even pain.

Large intestine

Many patients ignore this symptom as normal. However, it is worth keeping a close eye on what happens with such warts. It is best to go to the doctor and not worry too much.

4. Disturbances in intestinal movements

We all have digestive disorders from time to time. Occasionally it may be diarrhea, other times constipation. This is normal and should not be a cause for concern.

However, if, in addition to these symptoms, you also experience a loss of control over the anal muscles, it is not worth delaying a visit to a specialist.

5. Itching

Other symptoms of anal cancer are pain in the lower back, abdominal muscle tension and itching around the anus.

Of course, itching is most often associated with haemorrhoids (haemorrhoids), so most people reach for creams and ointments to alleviate this symptom and combat discomfort.

In the toilet

However, if the itching is really persistent and is accompanied by other symptoms, be sure to see a specialist. Early diagnosis is the key to recovery.

Unfortunately, in very few cases, cancer is diagnosed before it reaches the lymph nodes. Then treatment is much more difficult and much more aggressive. Today’s medical knowledge allows even a full recovery. However, the later anal cancer is detected, the worse the prognosis.

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