Why Do People Gain Weight? Find Out!

Why do people gain weight?  Find out!

Gaining weight or losing weight is a purely mathematical matter, except in the presence of certain diseases. In this article you will learn why people gain weight.

People gain weight simply when they eat more calories than they can burn. Despite this simple equation, both variables can be modified by different factors.

As? For example, hormonal mechanisms can reduce energy expenditure, and bad habits increase caloric intake. In the case of weight, any slight imbalance can lead to weight gain or weight loss.

We’ll explain this in more detail below.

Why do people gain weight?

Energy expenditure

Energy expenditure is a factor that can be modified. The simple fact of being alive makes us lose energy. This is called basic energy expenditure. Every physical activity you do increases your daily energy expenditure.

Physical activity has two functions. On the one hand, it is related to energy expenditure as such. On the other hand, it increases muscle tone and volume, which translates into increased resting energy expenditure.

To maximize this effect, strength training should be given priority over aerobic training, which can even result in loss of muscle mass.

Therefore, as we quote from the article in the journal Metabolism, regular exercise is an excellent way to control your weight. It can help both prevent and combat obesity.

Therefore, a possible answer to why people gain weight is that they just don’t exercise.

Obese woman

Why do people gain weight?

Calorie consumption

Caloric intake is the second key but modifiable variable in the weight gain equation. You must try to adjust the food you eat to your level of activity.

Therefore, people who engage in physical activity to maintain their weight need more energy than those who are sedentary.

Usually, appetite adjusts to energy needs, especially in people with ecto and mesomorphic morphotypes. However, some people are unable to regulate their appetite due to a hormonal imbalance (thyroid hormones and ghrelin) or due to an underestimation of calories.

Many people find that they eat fewer calories than they actually are, which translates into weight gain. That would be another possible answer to why people gain weight.

Excessive consumption of oil, bread or processed foods can be harmful. Also, sauces are products that similarly increase the caloric density of a meal. In addition, a study published in the journal Obesity mentions alcohol.

Medical conditions related to weight gain

However, some people can gain weight even if they eat healthy. For example, this applies to people suffering from hypothyroidism. These people suffer from a deficit in the production of the hormone regulating energy expenditure.

Therefore, their needs are reduced and the amount of food they need is much less than that of a person who does not suffer from this disease.

On the other hand, some people suffer from changes in ghrelin production. This hormone controls the appetite and is mediated through a number of receptors. When one of these receptors fails, it can overproduce this hormone, even after the energy requirements are met.

Therefore, the consequence will be weight gain.

All these situations often require drug treatment. In fact, it is drugs that regulate the endocrine system and simplify nutrition management.

Why do people gain weight?

Weight loss medical conditions

In addition to diseases that throw our body out of balance and lead to weight gain, there are also diseases that cause the opposite effect. A clear example is hyperthyroidism or cancer, conditions that increase resting energy expenditure and nutrient requirements.

Therefore, people suffering from these conditions need to consume more calories. If they don’t, they may suffer from weight loss, which can make it difficult to control the disease.

The role of the intestinal microflora

In recent years, experts have introduced a third variable into this equation, which is the living organisms in the gut. This is because the gut microflora can play a key role in nutrient absorption and weight gain.

Thus, probiotic supplementation may be a turning point in weight loss strategies. However, experts are still researching this aspect and have not yet come to any clear conclusions.

People gain weight because of an energy imbalance

Gaining weight or losing weight is purely a mathematical matter, with the exception of certain diseases. If you eat more calories than you need or can spend, you will gain weight. Otherwise you will lose weight.

This is why nutritional education is so important: because it allows you to find out how many calories you are consuming. This prevents both the underestimation of calories and the overestimation of the food consumed, and it helps to control weight and prevent complex diseases.

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