Slimming Drink With Pineapple And Chia Seeds

Both pineapple and chia seeds help cleanse the body while keeping you feeling full and improving your bowel movements.
Slimming drink with pineapple and chia seeds

The slimming  drink for which you can find the recipe below is a highly effective combination of ingredients such as pineapple and chia seeds. Losing weight is not always a matter of a dream figure and high self-esteem. It can also be a way to avoid many serious diseases related to overweight or obesity.

Proper diet and physical activity are very important, but you can enrich these two basic points with something else and reach for a  slimming  drink with pineapple and chia seeds, which will certainly bring you the desired results.

More and more people are aware of the health consequences of overweight and obesity. Losing weight is no longer just a method of adapting to the canons of beauty, but a way to avoid many serious diseases. What’s more, we already know that starvation is not a solution if we want to get rid of unnecessary kilograms. However, we are aware of what products should be used.

Very strict diets or miracle diets based on blindly counting calories or excluding specific groups of products from the menu do not bring the expected results. However, they can cause some side effects. Fortunately, there are products such as pineapple and chia seeds that are the perfect complement to a weight loss diet and ensure long-term satiety.

Why pineapple and chia seeds?

Chia seeds and pineapple are one of those foods that will help you lose weight in a tasty, simple and – most importantly – healthy way while providing you with a whole range of nutrients and health benefits. The properties of these two ingredients help cleanse the body of toxins and stimulate fat burning.

Slimming pineapple – how will it help you lose weight?

Pineapple is a tropical fruit that is high in water and antioxidants, making it one of the best natural ways to lose weight

Slimming pineapple

Thanks to this, it prevents digestive problems such as flatulence, gas or stomach irritation. In turn, its high fiber content helps pineapple to improve digestion and help control blood cholesterol levels.

Chia seeds and their properties

Chia seeds are a natural dietary supplement, and in recent years one of the most popular when it comes to fighting unnecessary kilograms to lose weight naturally

Chia seeds

When it comes to nutrition, chia seeds contain 5 times more calcium than milk, 3 times more iron than spinach and much more fiber than oatmeal ! Chia seeds will also provide you with a large dose of antioxidants and substances that will cleanse your body of toxins.

Regular consumption of this product will help you control your appetite, you will also avoid flatulence and you will have energy to act.

Recipe for a slimming drink


Slimming drink

By drinking this drink with a well-prepared breakfast full of products such as eggs, whole grains or vegetables, you will certainly achieve the desired effect and you will enjoy not only an impeccable figure, but also a great well-being.

What will you need?

  • 2 slices of pineapple
  • 2 tablespoons of chia seeds
  • the juice of 2 oranges
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • honey (optional)

A method of preparing

  • Peel the pineapple, cut two large slices and dice them.
  • Squeeze the orange juice and pour it into a blender. Throw in the pineapple cubes, add honey and water.
  • Blend until you get a smooth drink.
  • Serve without straining. You can use a pinch of chia seeds for decoration.
  • You can also soak chia seeds for at least two hours before blending them with the rest of the drink’s ingredients.
  • Drink a slimming drink before a meal, at breakfast or when you feel hungry.

Remember that you will only notice the effects if the slimming drink supports a balanced diet and regular physical activity. Good luck!

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