Fluid Retention In The Body – Prophylaxis

Fluid retention can occur when we lead a sedentary lifestyle. This is why regular exercise is essential. When we take care of adequate physical activity, not only will we get rid of the problem of fluid retention, but also our health will improve.
Fluid retention in the body - prophylaxis

Fluid retention is one of the things that causes our body to gain weight. Many factors contribute to its appearance, including a sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy, menopause, cirrhosis, heart failure and malnutrition.

Fluid retention manifests as swelling that occurs in various parts of the body, including the ankles, arms, legs, abdomen, and wrists.

During pregnancy, fluid retention is not surprising as the woman undergoes major hormonal changes during this time.

In this case, fluid retention most often manifests as swelling around the ankles and feet. Although it usually does not pose a direct threat to our health, when it occurs too much, it is best to contact a trusted doctor.

In the prevention of fluid retention …

An important step in preventing fluid retention is limiting the amount of salt we consume, as one of its properties is the accumulation of water in the body. However, we should not limit the amount of water we drink every day.

It is necessary in the process of cleansing the body of all kinds of pollutants and toxins that have accumulated during the day.

Fluid retention – advice that is effective in prevention

The use of diuretic products

Eating foods with diuretic properties is an essential step in preventing fluid retention. Taking them is much helpful in the process of cleansing the body of all kinds of pollutants.

Many people believe that fluid retention can cause our body to gain weight by up to several kilograms. So, get to know some food products that can act as your allies in the fight against the problem discussed in this article.

  • Watermelon. Consuming watermelon is recommended primarily because of the large amount of water it contains.
  • Apple vinegar. This type of vinegar plays a very important role in protecting our body. It contributes to the regulation of potassium levels, the presence of which in the body is disturbed by fluid retention.
  • Green tea. In addition to the fact that this tea is a diuretic, i.e. a diuretic, it is also an excellent antioxidant.
  • Oranges. Thanks to the high amount of vitamin C they contain, oranges stimulate the work of the kidneys and accelerate the process of cleansing our body of toxins.
  • Artichokes. You can use them in infusions. Thanks to their diuretic properties, artichokes are an invaluable help in shedding unnecessary kilograms.
  • Blueberries. They are widely used in the prevention of urinary tract diseases. In addition, eating them contributes to the better excretion of toxins from the body. Blueberries are also one of the best antioxidants.
  • Dandelion. This plant – commonly known to us as dandelion – stimulates the expulsion of excess fluid from the body.
  • Parsley. It significantly supports the excretion of unnecessary fluids in the body. For this reason, it is recommended to use it in infusions that help in the fight against obesity, as well as in the prevention of heart disease.
  • Onion. Its properties are an invaluable help in the fight against rheumatism, kidney failure and arthritis.

Fluid retention and physical activity

You should exercise regularly. Among the many possibilities, you can choose from intense walking, running, cycling, swimming and much more. It’s best to do what you like best and what gives you pleasure.

Running woman

Remember that fluid retention occurs primarily in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. This is why regular exercise is very important.

Exercise allows you to relax your mind and keep every organ in your body working properly. They also make the processes taking place in the body run properly.

Eliminate sodium-containing foods from your diet

As we mentioned before, salt is an ally of water retention in the body. For this reason, it should be eliminated as much as possible from our diet.

Also, remember that many of the finished products that you may be used to in your kitchen every day are high in sodium. These include, but are not limited to, sausages, canned food, alcohol and others.

Eat potassium-rich foods

It is an essential element in maintaining the natural balance of our body. Potassium is one of the electrolytes responsible for adequate blood pressure, as well as for removing excess fluid from our body.

Heart made of vegetables and fruits

Potassium is contained in some fruits, such as kiwi, melon, oranges and bananas. Some vegetables are also a rich source of potassium. Many of them include  artichokes, cabbage, beets, potatoes and avocados.

Consume foods rich in magnesium

One of the many properties of magnesium is to help ease water retention from the body and remove toxins that accumulate in our body. In addition, magnesium  is very recommended in the prevention of heart disease, and is also responsible for the proper insulin management.

What’s more, magnesium  contributes to the maintenance of adequate calcium content, which allows the body to strengthen bones, prevent migraines and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Recommended products

  • Bran. Whichever type you choose, bran is a rich source of magnesium.
  • Dried herbs and spices. Especially cilantro, mint and parsley. From a health point of view, they are primarily a rich source of magnesium. But for every hostess, they are an invaluable help in diversifying the diet and improving the taste of our favorite dishes.
Sunflower and sunflower seeds
  • Flax seeds. They are, above all, excellent antioxidants. Due to the high content of magnesium, the consumption of flax seeds is strongly recommended in the prevention of heart disease.
  • Sunflower seeds. These tasty seeds are a rich source of magnesium as well as vitamin E.
  • Milk. Regardless of the form – pasteurized, powdered or full condensed – it has a large amount of magnesium. Additionally, it supplies our body with vitamins A, D and E.

Fluid retention and rest

The right amount of rest we take is even necessary when we are troubled by the problem of fluid retention in the body. If your feet swell, lift them up, put them on a platform, and leave them there for a while.

If, on the other hand, you find that the changes you have made to your diet and daily habits do not reduce the problem, it is best to contact a trusted professional or doctor.

We hope you find the advice in this article helpful and effective. Therefore, let new eating habits, as well as adequate physical activity combined with relaxation help you say goodbye to the problem of water retention in the body!

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