Your Fear – Learn To Measure It

In most cases, the fear we experience only exists in our mind. You have to learn to be brave and face your own fears. This is a great way to prove to yourself that we can do this and much more.
Your fear - learn to face it

All of us know the feeling of fear. Usually we associate it with something negative, fear is something we want to run from or – if possible – ignore.

As a result, we are doing everything we can to avoid it. However, we want to make it clear to you: running from fear is never the right solution. Remember, fear does not protect us from death, it only blocks our lives.

Trying to escape fear, we reach for a seemingly easier solution. Thus, we ensure an apparent, instant release from disturbing thoughts and feelings. But sooner or later they come back to us. In this way, we only manage to dispel fear temporarily, but never really overcome it.

Fear – admit to yourself that you feel it

Admitting to ourselves that we’ve made mistakes, that we’re not perfect, and that we feel fear is one of the most difficult things in our life. We also very often feel ashamed of crying. There are a lot of things that we hide because we fear we will be perceived as weak.

Woman on the bed

We do not realize that just admitting what is happening to us is a factor that can strengthen us. If you feel sad, cry and admit it, the pain will be over before you know it.

If you hide negative emotions and just try to endure them, the pain will last a long time. The first step in facing your fear is to firmly admit that you are feeling it.

If you feel trapped in your own thoughts, you will not be able to break out of their trap by running away from them and pretending nothing is happening. Just admit it. This will be your first step to overcoming your fear of feeling your own fear.

Once you recognize the fact that you are feeling fear, it will be much easier for you to deal with it. Think of it this way: the longer it takes you to admit it to yourself, the longer you will be blocked and paralyzed by your own fears.

Trust yourself

The woman with the butterfly

Please listen to this short but instructive story:

It is possible that the fear has only remained in your imagination, but since you do not want to face it – it persists.

You must learn to trust yourself and trust that you will be able to combat any fear and anxiety that comes your way. Do you really want him to overcome you and accompany you forever? Remember: it’s just fear, a common word, a negative feeling that can even turn into something positive over time.

You can overcome fear

After all, life is not about constant fear. Of course, facing such a strong opponent will not be easy, but it is not impossible. Is it not that you have faced difficulties much greater than fear?

Do not be afraid. Trust yourself and trust our words: You can overcome fear.

Fear – look him in the eyes

There is a tribe of Indians who teach their children to face their fear face to face from the youngest. To achieve this, they seat the child, make him close his eyes and imagine that there is a giant cobra in front of them. And children, as we know, have a very rich imagination, which makes the cobra really “real”.

This tribe teaches their children that each time they try to distance themselves from the cobra, the cobra gets bigger and bigger. If they try to escape – the cobra chases them and catches up with them. However, if you look into her eyes carefully and intently, the cobra gradually shrinks.

Woman on the meadow

In many of the situations you will face in your life, looking at the problem in the eye will provide the solution. The same principle applies to the occasional feeling of fear and anxiety. If you run away from it, it grows. If you face it, it will decrease.

You have to be brave. You must be brave! Will you let your fear win over you?

Every form of fear, anxiety and fear can be overcome. The problem is always with us. The truth is, any fear is an opportunity to overcome your own limitations and develop internally. 

Look your fear in the eye, but do it very carefully, confidently, with concentration, and with confidence. Say – will you really let him win with you?

If you feel you need it, share your feelings with someone you can trust. You will quickly notice that others feel fear too and need to fight their own fears and fears. Contrary to appearances, they do not block us. If only we allow it – they will become the cause of our development.

It’s like – we start running towards our fears to face them? Are we starting to be brave?

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