Anxiety – How To Overcome It Naturally?

Anxiety is a natural emotional state that appears in everyday life. Most often it is a reaction to a stressful situation, however, it may last much longer and hinder normal functioning. Read the article and learn how to control it.
Anxiety - How Can You Overcome It Naturally?

If you feel anxious a lot, don’t take your medications, at least not right away. There are many natural and safe methods for dealing with anxiety and inner anxiety, such as various techniques to relax the body and mind, and numerous supplements and calming infusions.

The results of some of these methods are immediate, and in some cases you will need to wait patiently for them. Learn 12 natural methods of relieving anxiety.

1. Overcome anxiety with chamomile infusion

When you get nervous, a cup of chamomile tea is perfect for calming down. Some of the ingredients in this medicinal plant act in the same way on the brain’s receptors as the components of the popular Valium.

The University of Pennsylvania conducted a study among patients with anxiety disorders. In those who took the chamomile supplement for eight weeks, it turned out, their anxiety and anxiety symptoms significantly improved compared to patients who did not take any form of chamomile.

2. Green tea

green tea for anxiety

Numerous studies confirm that green tea helps control heart rate and blood pressure. In addition, some experts believe it helps fight anxiety.

3. Hops extract

When it comes to hops, we usually think of beer. And rightly so – they are based on hops, but this is not the form of hops we mean here, because beer does not have a calming effect.

An ingredient with such properties is an elusive oil, which contains only extracts of this plant and oils used for aromatherapy. Use them before going to bed because they have a calming effect and make it easier to fall asleep.

4. Valerian

valerian for anxiety

Valerian is a herb with powerful sedative properties. It not only fights anxiety, but also helps you fall asleep in case of insomnia. For this reason, the German government approved valerian as the official drug to combat sleep disorders.

The smell of valerian is a bit unpleasant, so many people choose to take it in capsule form. It is also used in combination with other sedative herbs such as hops, chamomile and lemon balm.

5. Physical exercise minimizes stress and anxiety

All kinds of physical exercise are great for brain function, making them a powerful antidote to depression and anxiety. If you exercise regularly, you will not only be healthier but also increase your self-esteem.

Remember that if you feel fit and healthy, these types of thoughts will not be on your mind.

6. Passiflora

passion fruit and anxiety

Passiflora is a flower with the properties of soothing frayed nerves. Some studies show that it helps relieve symptoms of anxiety as effectively as prescription tranquilizers. It is also often used for insomnia and sleep disorders because, like other sedatives, it makes you feel drowsy.

Remember not to use different herbs at the same time to calm down – one is enough. And in the case of passion flower, do not use the treatment for more than 1 month.

7. Lavender

The intoxicating scent of lavender has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. An interesting study recently conducted that confirmed that patients at the dentist’s office were much less prone to panic attacks when they were in a waiting room filled with the scent of lavender oil.

In turn, as a result of another study conducted in Florida, students who relaxed under the scent of lavender before the exam were much calmer and more focused during the exam than their colleagues who had not had contact with this fragrance.

In Germany, on the other hand, a special lavender pill has been prepared, which relieves anxiety in the case of people prone to seizures and its effectiveness is equal to that of lorazepam, an anti-anxiety drug from the same shelf as Valium.

8. Breathe deeply

Research has shown that the breathing method used in yoga is effective in reducing stress and anxiety. Why? The answer is very simple: you cannot concentrate on deep breathing and be anxious at the same time.

What is deep breathing? Breathe out completely through your mouth, then – counting to four – take a deep breath through your nose and hold your breath for 7 seconds, then exhale calmly through your mouth to a count of eight. It is recommended to repeat the breathing exercises at least twice a day.

9. If you are hungry, eat!

satisfying hunger

When we are hungry, we tend to be restless and irritable. Often times, anxiety attacks are caused by a drop in blood sugar. The best solution in this case is to eat a handful of nuts or a cube of chocolate with a glass of water or a cup of warm tea.

Remember that your diet is the key to overcoming anxiety and anxiety. Eat whole grains, combine green leafy vegetables with lean meats, fish, and seafood as they contain folic acid and a wide variety of nutrients that help reduce anxiety and anxiety naturally.

10. Breakfast and its influence on anxiety

Many people with anxiety disorders do not eat breakfast. This is a serious mistake. In order for your brain and your entire body to work throughout the day, you need to eat a solid breakfast. Eggs are perfect in this case because they contain filling proteins and choline. Research shows a link between low choline levels and increased susceptibility to anxiety.

11. Omega-3 fatty acids

Fish oils are not only good for cheese, they also help fight anxiety. One study supports this: students who consumed 2.5 milligrams of omega-3s daily for 12 weeks showed significantly less exam anxiety than their colleagues whose diets were not high in fish oils.

Experts recommend consuming Omega-3 fatty acids in their natural form along with food. The best sources of these are, for example, salmon and other fatty fish, as well as anchovies and sardines.

12. Warm up your body regularly to overcome anxiety

Have you ever wondered why we feel so relaxed after leaving the sauna or steam room? This is because heat reduces muscle tension and wards off anxiety.

The feeling of warmth affects the nervous circuits that are responsible for our mood and the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is the basic neurotransmitter that controls the maintenance of emotional balance. Warming up before exercise also has a great effect on our well-being.

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