Fleas – Home Methods To Combat Them

When we use these home remedies to get rid of fleas, we must be very careful not to apply these agents to the area of ​​the animal’s mucous membranes. You should also carefully protect his eyes.
Fleas - home remedies for fighting them

Every pet lover is aware of the great nuisance fleas can be . Fortunately, there are home remedies to get rid of them effectively.

Remember, however, that – to remove fleas – natural remedies should be used not only directly on our pet, but also throughout the house.

Vinegar – a great remedy for fleas

One of the most effective home remedies for fleas when bathing a pet is vinegar added to the water. Any type of vinegar (apple, wine etc) can be used.

  • First you need to bathe your dog using a special dog shampoo.
  • Then, after taking the dog out of the tub or bowl in which we bathed him, spread a glass of vinegar over his wet coat.
  • Be very careful that it does not get into the eyes and mouth of the pet.

We let the vinegar sit for at least five minutes and then rinse the pet’s skin. Then, brush your pet thoroughly with a special thin-toothed comb and dry it as we always do.

Dense metal comb

Thoroughly combing your dog with a fine-toothed comb will help us get a good look at the condition of his coat and whether he has fleas. If parasites do appear, a comb will be one of the effective methods of getting rid of them.

The dog is scratching

In combination with the action of vinegar, thanks to which fleas will be much slower, the comb will help us brush the pests out of our pet’s skin.

The comb should then be discarded – ideally by wrapping it in a bag. The point is to prevent pests from re-entering our home.

Another way to use vinegar

Another technique that uses vinegar to fight fleas is to add it to the water your dog is drinking. The proportion is one teaspoon of wine or apple cider vinegar (5 ml) per bowl of water.

If the animal is large and weighs more than 20 kg, two tablespoons (20 ml) per day can be used.

A lemon may also be helpful

The smell of lemon can be our great ally in the fight against fleas.


  • 1 lemon
  • 1 liter of water

A method of preparing

  • Put the water in a suitable container and bring it to a boil. When it starts to boil, put the lemon in it, cut into pieces.
  • Remove from fire source and let the mixture stand overnight.
  • The next day, apply the lotion to your dog’s coat and skin. You do not need to rinse.
  • As with vinegar, be careful around the mouth and eyes.

This type of treatment can be repeated once or twice a week until the fleas are completely eliminated. It turns out that lemon disinfectant is also a great way to keep your home clean.

You can use a spray bottle to spray the resulting fluid on flea-infested areas in your home – for example, upholstery, dog beds, rugs, and more.

Wormwood in the fight against pests

Wormwood is a medicinal plant with many properties. One of its uses is to get rid of fleas.

Wormwood infusion

Wormwood in the fight against these pests can be used in two ways:

  • We can plant wormwood in the garden because its smell deters insects and pests.
  • The second way is to put small bags of dried wormwood inside the house, especially in the parts where fleas have appeared.

Cedar sawdust, an excellent flea remedy

Cedar is a tree from the conifer family. It is an excellent option when you want to get rid of fleas as they cannot tolerate its smell.

Therefore, a great way to drive out these pests is to sprinkle cedar sawdust in the places where your pet is usually placed.

However, you need to watch carefully because it may turn out that our pet is allergic to cedar. If you notice any allergy symptoms, remove the sawdust from your home immediately and replace it with another home remedy.


It has been proven that fleas lay eggs in the ground, in carpets, bedspreads and fabric upholstery of furniture.

Flea eggs and larvae are very sensitive to a lack of moisture. Therefore, when they come into contact with salt, it sticks to them, causing them to dry out and die.

  • To use this home remedy for fleas, we will need a few handfuls of salt (as fine as possible), which we will sprinkle on carpets in our home.
  • We leave the salt for a few hours or even overnight.

We can repeat this activity many times, within a few weeks, until we are completely free from fleas.

Essential oils

Lavender, Thyme, Tea Tree, Lemongrass, Cedar, Geranium … Various essential oils also make a powerful home remedy for flea control. 

However, you should be careful in the case of cats, as a lot of the oils can turn out to be toxic to them.

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