Rumor Tells About What The Eyes Have Not Seen

Whenever a rumor reaches our ears, instead of repeating it in the ears of other people by spreading seeds of untruth and falsehood, we should use a whole series of filters that will allow us to stop the whole process, although it does not affect us personally.
Rumor tells about what the eyes have not seen

Rumor is usually a groundless, harmful and false form of expression that has spread throughout society for good. However, we should remember that gossip, no matter what form it takes, is always harmful.

Apart from the fact that this form of expression about others is harmful, its author benefits in the form of some kind of power, control over the situation. For some time, he may also get a change in his status, his position in relation to the abused person.

Ultimately, however, we find that not only the author of the false statement is to blame. The hypocrite creates a gossip, the gossip repeats it, and the naive gets carried away and accepts everything he hears without the slightest hint of criticism.

Everyone involved in the process gets along so easily that it doesn’t take long and they form a group of people who accept falsehood as truth.

Remember, however, that the rumor dies the moment it comes across the ear of an intelligent person. Therefore, let us be sensitive to information coming from everywhere, let us verify it and do not duplicate what is false.

Gossip and Slander – How Are They Made?

Whether we believe it or not, people love to gossip. Talking about others is something really fascinating for them. Even scientific research proves it.

Three cats

Gordon Allport was one of the well-known psychologists in the twentieth century researching the human personality. In the book “The Psychology of Gossip “, published in 1947, he explains this issue in a clear and transparent way.

Gossip as a way to fight stress?

Think for a moment about all successful TV shows based on their personal life and celebrity relationships.


Their effectiveness and the huge audience that such programs attract undoubtedly confirm that people love to listen and talk to others about others.

Another example would be a breakfast break at work. It is enough for one person to start talking about someone and after a while an entire audience gathers around him ready to receive all kinds of rumors.

This kind of gossip has certain functions. For example, it allows you to laugh, surprise, criticize, and create other bases that allow our brain to release endorphins. Indirectly, it can be said that this process contributes to the fight against stress.

Gossip is a tool to control others

Sometimes the rumor is broadcast into the air for a specific purpose. Its task is to diminish someone else’s role or worsen their image. When the enemy of the gossip writer doesn’t seem so good, so strong, so irreplaceable … he finds his five minutes to show off.

Gossip whispered in the ear
  • The problem is that the person who hears the rumor and “finds himself” between the gossiper and the victim most often chooses what is wrong and ends up passing the false news on rather than simply stopping it.
  • Think about what happens when you hear this kind of information on a social network.
  • It is quite possible that the information is lined with some emotional charge that aims to make it easier to convey and leaves little time to analyze and criticize its content.
  • We pass the news on to our friends, family and loved ones, and we feel better almost immediately to “tell” others what happened.

How Can I Cope with Harmful Gossip?

We emphasize once again what is most important to remember: Gossip is for the naive. Intelligent people, before repeating the information they hear, reflect on its origin. They criticize and judge before believing anything.

  • If someone spreads rumors about us, there is no need to lose peace and desperate. For stupid words, wise ear.
  • Behave normally, remember to be assertive enough to live in harmony with yourself. False rumors die a natural death. Our emotional reaction can only fuel the fire of a rumor that has already been sown.
  • Our strength lies in the relationships with trusted people, who at the same time constitute the most valuable filter between truth and falsehood. orchid-picture
Orchid - picture

At this point, it is worth recalling the words of Socrates, who also commented on the topic we are discussing. Whenever we hear information about someone, ask yourself three important questions:

  • Truth filter.  Are you sure what you are trying to tell me is true?
  • Kindness filter.  Is what you are trying to tell me positive?
  • Usability filter.  Is what you are trying to tell me useful?

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