Fingers – Find Out What They Say About You!

Our hands can reveal the relationship between our personality or health. For example, women whose ring finger is longer than the index finger are more predisposed to playing a variety of sports.
Fingers - find out what they say about you!

Fingers – like all other parts of our body – play a very important role in our daily life. Moreover, they are not only an essential grasping tool.

Fingers often reveal not only our health. They also testify to our personality and many other details that we often have no idea about.

What do your fingers say about you and your health?

Numerous studies have been carried out in recent years. We have been able to confirm that fingers reflect certain aspects of our health, emotional states, personality and behavior.

You probably never thought about it? Below we present 8 interesting facts about what we can tell about us by observing our fingers.

You have high testosterone levels

If your ring finger is much shorter than normal, you probably have high testosterone levels. Regardless of whether you are a woman or a man.

Usually the index fingers of men are shorter than the ring fingers. These fingers, on the other hand, are of a similar length in most women.

The differences in the length of fingers are related to hormonal factors: the level of testosterone in men, low levels of estrogen or a reduced number of sperm.

The risk of developing osteoarthritis

People whose index finger is shorter than the rest of the fingers have a much greater risk of developing arthritis

X-ray image showing degeneration of the fingers

This problem – which mostly affects women – is related to estrogen deficiency and lack of physical activity.

Fingers and the risk of prostate cancer

Research conducted at the University of Warwick (Great Britain) confirmed a certain thesis. Well, men whose index finger is longer than the ring finger are more likely to develop prostate cancer.

Genes and the appearance of our fingers

If your index finger is longer than your ring finger, it also means that you were exposed to high testosterone levels while you were in the womb.

A study by Kong’s College (UK) confirmed that exposure to hormones can influence a child’s future behavior.

Fingers – their length may indicate the size of the penis

penis size in men whose index finger is shorter than the ring finger is larger than in men whose index finger is longer than the ring finger

The fingers

144 men took part in the study. They underwent anesthesia and then carefully recorded the dimensions of their penis. The results confirmed the earlier hypothesis.

Fingers and hypothyroidism

The consumption of salt leads to excess water retention in the body’s tissues. One of the symptoms is a temporary swelling of the fingers.

There are many natural ways to combat water retention that work almost immediately.

However, pay close attention to your fingers if the swelling continues for a long time. This could be one of the signs of a thyroid disorder .

This problem, in turn, can lead to a slower metabolism and therefore weight gain and even more swelling due to water retention.

You are a good athlete

women whose ring finger is longer than the index finger are more predisposed to practicing various sports. Applies to

The runs

You have a longer ring finger: you are successful in business

On the other hand, other studies confirm that people with a longer ring finger tend to be successful in business.

Research by scientists from the University of Cambridge showed an interesting thing. Financial advisers whose ring finger is longer than the index finger are paid up to 11 times higher than their peers, whom nature has not endowed with a sufficiently long ring finger .

It is likely that this factor is associated with high testosterone levels.


Thanks to their correct observation, we are able to detect many abnormalities in the functioning of our body and find an explanation for certain behaviors or skills.

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