Pancreatitis: Symptoms Worth Knowing

A clear symptom of inflammation of the pancreas is acute pain immediately after eating, during digestion, or when lying on the back.
Pancreatitis: symptoms you should know

Inflammation of  the pancreas  is a very common ailment, in addition, more often affecting women than men. That is why in today’s article we want to provide you with basic information about  pancreatitis , its symptoms and how to prevent it.

1. Why do we suffer from pancreatitis?

Pancreas model

As you probably already know, the pancreas is an organ located on the left side behind the stomach. The main function of the  pancreas  is to produce enzymes and chemicals that facilitate digestion and insulin synthesis.

Of course, nowadays it is possible to live without a  pancreas , but  it is then necessary to constantly treat and replenish the level of hormones and enzymes in order for the normal functioning of the body to be possible.

What needs to be said out loud is that the pancreas should be looked after as much as possible. But what makes us suffer from inflammation of this organ so often?

  • Gallstones – This is one of the most common causes of  pancreatitis , so you should always be aware of this possibility.
  • Bad habits and unhealthy lifestyle.
  • Weakened immunity of the body.
  • Metabolic problems.
  • High levels of triglycerides in the blood.
  • Long-term use of certain medications.
  • Previous pancreatic disease or damage  .
  • Less common: other ailments and diseases, for example Reye’s syndrome or Kawasaki’s disease.

2. Symptoms of pancreatitis


Inflammation of the  pancreas  can be associated with all kinds of pain, from sudden onset to slowly increasing pain.

At some point, however, it will become so strong that it will start to prevent normal functioning, especially when the pain is accompanied by other ailments.

  • Pancreatitis  pain  is a burning sensation located on the left side below the ribs, although it usually radiates to other areas of the body.
  • Pain worsens after meals and with intensive digestion.
  • It can even radiate to the back and shoulders, and is also accompanied by nausea.
  • The pain worsens when lying down, as the stomach then presses against the pancreas.

Nausea and vomiting

Immediately after eating, i.e. when the pancreas should start the process of enzyme synthesis but is prevented by inflammation, nausea and vomiting may occur.

B ery often in the early stages of inflammation of  the pancreas  people confuse them with a simple indigestion or food poisoning. Only when the pain and discomfort worsen does the red warning light come on and it is time to see a specialist.

Bad mood

Recurring headaches

Remember that when your pancreas becomes inflamed, it has to do with a weakening of your entire immune system. That is why symptoms such as:

  • Recurring headaches. They may not be extremely intense, but occur almost daily and cause dry mouth, dizziness, and migraine auras.
  • Constant exhaustion. Inflammation of the  pancreas  weakens the entire body : digestion slows down, the body does not absorb enough vitamins and nutrients, and immunity drops. Consequently, your susceptibility to infections increases greatly.

3. How best to care for your pancreas

Even a small change in your eating habits and lifestyle can help protect your pancreas. Take care of yourself and you will notice how much the quality of your life will improve. Take note of some of our tips:

  • Quit smoking. For your own sake, you should stop nicotine once and for all. This will improve your overall health and protect you from many serious diseases. Your whole body, including your pancreas, will surely be grateful for it!
  • Avoid refined sugars and flour. These products are your pancreas worst enemies  Despite their pleasant taste, they can wreak havoc on the body and are really not worth it.
  • Eat less! Too large portions are really not the best idea. Divide your meals into 5 smaller portions. Also, avoid excess red meat and processed foods, but remember that vegetables like cabbage and broccoli are great at preventing  pancreatitis.

Natural cucumber juice

  • Choose natural juices. There is nothing better than natural juices you drink every day. Take advantage of the properties of papaya, aloe vera, artichoke, mango, squash, carrot or beetroot and prepare tasty and healthy juices.
  • Enrich your diet with fiber. Choose fiber foods, especially for breakfast, to get your day off to a good start.
  • Control your weight. It is very important for the health of your  pancreas  to maintain an optimal and healthy body weight. Thanks to this, you will also avoid all other diseases accompanying obesity. Small sacrifices and daily efforts will pay off in the long run.

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