With These Juices And Broths You Will Cleanse Your Body Within A Week

Weekly cleansing based on juices and soups

Cleansing or detoxifying helps the body remove unnecessary toxins, improves organ function, prevents aging and chronic diseases, helps control body weight, and ensures well-being and quality of life. In this article we explain how to perform a simple and natural cleansing of the body in a week. Thanks to the values ​​obtained from fruit and vegetables in the form of juices and soups, you can carry out the detoxification process in just one week.

 Cleansing in a week!

Preparation of a cleansing tonic

In order to prepare this tonic, you need to be flexible and use the fruits and vegetables available in the season. If you detox on colder days, choose mainly warming soups, and on warmer ones – refreshing fruit juices. Both of these variants serve the same purpose: cleansing the body and supplying it with the necessary minerals, you can also try to combine them.

Ideally, you will prepare the juices yourself using a blender, but if you don’t have that option, you can stock up on organic, natural juices available at health food stores. Make sure there is no sugar or other substances in them that can frustrate the cleansing.

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What is a recovery crisis?

Before you begin cleansing, it is helpful to get acquainted with the so-called “healing crisis.” Whenever the body is full of toxins ( which is the case for most people due to poor diet and habits and many other factors ), the cleansing process that our body needs so badly to remove harmful toxins. Initially, it may cause discomfort such as headaches, diarrhea, slowing of mucus, etc. You may also experience symptoms of an illness you have suffered from or worsening of symptoms at that point in time. This is normal and even a sign that your body is functioning properly. In any case, it’s always a good idea to consult a doctor or naturopath, especially if you suffer from various medical conditions. In the case of taking medications – it is also advisable to contact a specialist.

First and last day

Due to the fact that many people do not eat a healthy diet and to avoid a recovery crisis, the first and last days of cleansing should be dedicated to adaptation. This means making an effort to eat healthy, without consuming any of the following:

  • Red meat
  • Fried foods
  • Sugar
  • Bread, cakes, crackers and other similar products

Instead, eat only:

  • Dried fruit salads
  • Soups, stews or vegetable broth
  • Easily digestible vegetables: peas or lentils
  • Apples, pears, pineapples, papaya, and avocados
  • Whole grain rice or groats
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Blood cleansing tonic

The cleansing treatment based on juices and soups will last from the second to the sixth day, i.e. five days. It should be carried out as follows:

It is not absolutely necessary that you use all of the ingredients listed here, but try to use the ones that are native to your area and available in the season:

Before breakfast : two glasses of warm water with half a lemon juice and one tablespoon of linseed.
Breakfast : apple, pear, carrot, pineapple or ginger juice. Three dates.
Lunch : cabbage, beetroot, apple and carrot juice. Cooked whole grain rice with kombu seaweed.
Snack : cabbage, beetroot, apple and carrot juice. One roasted apple with cinnamon and a handful of dried fruit.
Dinner : cabbage, carrot, onion, garlic, leek, pumpkin and artichoke soup. Optional: add some organic seaweed, sea salt, cayenne pepper and one tablespoon of linseed. Eat with a hard-boiled egg or lentils.

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Some wise tips

  • Cleansing the body should not equal sacrifice and starvation. If you are feeling hungry, increase your food ration with each meal, but always try to choose the recommended foods, eat well while chewing.
  • During the day, drink cleansing infusions of dandelion, cardamom and horsetail, sweetened with a little honey, cane sugar or stevia.
  • It is an absolute prerequisite for starting a cleansing to make sure you have regular bowel movements. If you still find it difficult to defecate despite eating flaxseed, use a warm water enema once a day.
  • Strenuous exertion or exercise, as well as stressful situations, should be avoided during cleansing. Choose to cleanse during a quiet week and choose gentle exercises such as stretching, breathing, walking around the house or in the park, etc.

We hope you find this article helpful.

Photos: Will Merydith Samuel Gardiner, Breville USA and Hepp.

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