What To Do When The Baby Rejects The Breast?

Why is the baby throwing back his breast? How to solve this problem? In this article, we introduce the causes and how to deal with this situation.
What to do when the baby rejects the breast?

Breastfeeding is very important for newborns. Mother’s milk is a unique food, specially designed to nourish the baby. What to do when the baby rejects the breast?

This can happen and shouldn’t be blamed for it. There are reasons for this and it is worth knowing them in order to be able to deal with the problem.

Why is breastfeeding so important? According to pediatricians, it has many advantages. These include emotional well-being, lower risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer, and faster recovery after childbirth.

When the baby rejects the breast, he or she cannot take advantage of these benefits,  which worries many mothers. It is therefore important to know why this is so.

Is this a lactation crisis?

This situation is called a lactation crisis. However, this term only applies if the  state of affairs lasts longer. You offer your baby a breast, and even though it is hungry, it rejects it. It’s very frustrating to understand.

Do you go to work and spend less time with your child? It bit your nipple and you reacted with a sudden separation or screaming? His first teeth appear? The answers to these questions can be decisive.

Why is the baby throwing back his breast?

There are many factors that you may not be aware of that are bothering your baby. They make the toddler throw away the breast. Recognizing them will give you great relief.

At least you will understand what is happening. In the further part of the article, we also suggest possible solutions to this problem.

Many factors influence the lactation process.  It is worth knowing them in order to determine the causes of the problem.


It may not seem to matter, but you  should breastfeed in a calm and quiet place. An excess of sounds and people around you can make your baby throw up his breast.

Stuffed nose

It is worth checking if the child’s nose is unobstructed. If she can’t breathe, she can’t suckle either,  which causes the breast to reject. So use a baby nasal aspirator.

Change of routine

If you go back to work and change your daily rhythm, your baby may react by rejecting the breast. Thus, he  complains and protests  against something that does not suit him. It can react the same to a move.


If your baby is rejecting the breast, it is possible he or she is not responding well to your new shampoo, shower gel, or perfume. Babies sometimes protest against new scents  and refuse to accept the breasts.

Little milk

Another reason a baby may reject the breast is because of milk production. The baby’s need for food is not being met,  which can lead to reluctance to feed, according to pediatricians.

Bad experience

Your baby’s rejection of the breast may be related to unpleasant experiences. It could be the pain of your teething  or your screaming when you were bitten.

How to deal with this problem?

There are different ways to deal with a lactation crisis. We cannot guarantee that they will bring the desired results, because every case is different. But it’s worth a try. Explore a few options.

Don’t make pressure

It is worth devoting a separate paragraph to this important issue. Forcing your baby to accept the breast again is a mistake. The toddler has to decide again for himself.

Skin-to-skin contact is a good practice. In the bathtub or in bed, hug your baby to your naked body. Perhaps this is enough for the baby to reach for the breast again.

Use a scarf

Although strollers are very comfortable, a baby sling can perfectly solve the problem. Thanks to it, the baby is close to the breast and is in contact with your skin. When she gets hungry, she will have a food source nearby. Why don’t you try?

Provide a peaceful environment

If noise and an excess of stimuli in the environment distract your baby, you can try to feed in a calmer atmosphere. Select p okój or place free of excess humans,  where there is peace. Maybe that’s the solution you need.

Peace of mind while breastfeeding is the key to success.

Change position

It is possible that  repositioning may make it easier for your baby to accept the breast. For example, try feeding while lying on your side. Maybe it’s your position that causes your little one to throw their breast back.

Give your baby a breast while he is sleeping

This is an excellent technique for encouraging your baby to suckle the breast. The little one does it automatically. When your baby falls asleep, he or she is calm and relaxed. Put them side by side, skin against skin.

Don’t let the baby go hungry

When the baby is hungry, he becomes irritable, which may result in the rejection of the breast. Don’t let that happen. Offer your baby food at normal times.

The baby rejects the breast? It can be remedied

Never force your baby to accept the breast,  and keep in mind the advice provided above. First of all, take care of skin-to-skin contact.

Newborns are very sensitive to changes in the daily routine. Don’t hesitate to go to the pediatrician if you are in doubt. He will definitely recognize the problem better and give you specific tips.

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