Find Out How To Use Bay Leaves To Treat Diabetes

Bay leaf should be eaten in moderation. If we are using this plant as a therapeutic agent, we should check the pros and cons first and consult a doctor when in doubt. 
Laurel - a natural remedy for diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common diseases in the world with a number of disturbing symptoms. Millions of people have already been diagnosed with this angle. However, there are preventive measures and natural ways to deal with diabetes. One of them is laurel.

Find out how to use this plant as a supplement to traditional treatment. If you suffer from diabetes, it is extremely important to be under the constant supervision of your GP or GP.

In addition, you must follow a special balanced diet to maintain normal blood glucose levels. 

There are many types of this condition. Children and people under 30 years of age most often suffer from diabetes of the first type. This is called autoimmune diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes usually affects adults, most often overweight. The third type is gestational diabetes.

What is diabetes mellitus like?

Diabetes mellitus is one of the metabolic diseases characterized by the difficulty or inability of the pancreas to produce or properly use insulin. It is directly related to the increase in blood glucose levels.

These types of diabetes have different processes in the body. The most common are types 1 and 2. In the first case, the body does not produce insulin, so it is necessary to supply this hormone from the outside on a daily basis.

Diabetes diet

In the second case, our body does not release insulin properly or we are dealing with its weaker action in the body. It is the most common type of disease.

The risk factors for diabetes are: obesity, lack of physical activity, diabetes in pregnancy, poor eating habits or complications related to the weight of the newborn child (newborn over 4 kg).

Diabetes data on a global scale

By 2015, only 30.3 million people in the United States alone suffered from the disease, according to the American Diabetes Association.
This number corresponds to 9.4% of the population. That same year, diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. 

How to deal with this ailment? The key to success is prevention and proper, systematic control. Maintaining a healthy diet, physical activity, avoiding tobacco and alcohol: they will certainly stop this disease.

Fortunately, there are also natural remedies to help treat diabetes. This is where the famous laurel wreath comes in.

Laurel Wort – Why Is It Helpful In Treating Diabetes?

The beautiful name of the bay leaf – laurel, denotes a plant belonging to the Lauraceae family. It is commonly used in cooking as a cooking spice, but we shouldn’t forget about its healing properties.

laurel infusion of leaves

In addition to the aforementioned benefits, laurel also helps to normalize the proper functioning of the pancreas. In addition, it helps to lower blood sugar levels.

Laurel – how to prepare this natural remedy?

There is no need to rest on your laurels! We need to consider what exactly this leaf offers us and what is the best way to prepare it to prevent diabetes.

Laurel can also be used as a digestive stimulant, antispasmodic, expectorant, antirheumatic, as a menstrual regulator or a natural diuretic, etc.

In the treatment of type 2 diabetes: we can primarily take laurel in the form of infusion or tea. This is, of course, one of the many ways to take advantage of the plant’s benefits. Here’s a simple way to prepare bay bay infusion.

Laurel infusion

The decoction is also used externally in the care of problematic skin. What’s more, it also soothes inflammation, soothes irritated skin, and reduces dandruff. 


  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh bay leaves (15 g)


  • First, boil the prepared liter of water; and when it reaches boiling point – add bay leaves. Cook for 3-5 minutes.
  • Then let it rest for about 10 minutes and strain before consuming it. It is recommended not to exceed four cups a day.

Laurel only in moderation

Although bay leaf is undoubtedly a plant with many medicinal benefits , its excessive use can even cause skin inflammation, asthma and allergies. It can also cause nausea, irritate the stomach walls and have other undesirable consequences.

Consuming laurel infusion is not recommended for people struggling with type 1 diabetes. Pregnant women, people with blood clotting disorders, gastrointestinal ulcers, or with kidney, heart or liver diseases –  should also refrain from consuming the given natural infusion

Laurel has fantastic properties that will help lower blood glucose levels. However, if you have been diagnosed with diabetes: remember that you should not substitute medications prescribed by your doctor for natural remedies.

Instead, you can turn them into your own homemade extra supplements.

Do you already have all the necessary knowledge to use the laurel healing agent in your treatment? Try bay leaf infusion, not only in the case of a given type of diabetes, but also in the case of other ailments mentioned earlier.

However, remember that it is extremely important to consult a trusted specialist and adjust your treatment to a specific case.

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