Four Potato-based Remedies You Should Try!

Did you know that potato skins have many nutrients that you can use externally and internally for medicinal and cosmetic purposes?
Four potato skin-based remedies you should try!

Have you ever heard that cooking certain vegetables or tubers without their skin can degrade their nutritional properties? Yes it’s true. But that’s not all. The skin of some vegetables is very beneficial to your health. Potato skins, for example, have such a characteristic , which can be used to create many remedies.

The potato is native to the Americas and is one of the most consumed foods worldwide. It is well known that it is a source of carbohydrates and thus energy. But what else do we know about him?

Potato skins and tubers – what are their nutritional values?

When it comes to the nutritional value of potatoes, experts from Asociación 5 al dia point out the following: “The potato is a food rich in carbohydrates. It also contains vitamins B, C and E as well as several minerals such as calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, copper and chlorine. “

The Spanish Nutrition Foundation ( Fundación Española de la Nutrición – FEN) points out that potatoes are a source of potassium, vitamin C, B6 and carotenoids. FEN experts comment that in order to prevent the loss of vitamin C in this product during its preparation, it is recommended to steam it or bake it after wrapping in aluminum foil.

When it comes to cooking, the experts of Asociación 5 al dia differ from the FEN and comment that the ideal solution would be to simply boil the potato.

Remedies based on potato skins

According to some beliefs, potato skins can be useful in developing home remedies for various problems. We’ll take a look at some of them below.


1. Infusion to reduce water retention in the body

An alternative to herbal teas and related diuretics is potato infusion, which also helps to stimulate urination and eliminate residual fluid in the body.


  • 2 potatoes.
  • 4 glasses of water.


  • Wash the potatoes thoroughly so that no dirt remains on the skins.
  • Pour the water into the pot and bring it to a boil. Add two tubers and cook until soft.
  • To know when they will be ready, you will need to prick them with a knife or fork from time to time. If it easily comes in and out of the tubers, they are ready. Otherwise, leave them a little longer in the pot.
  • When they are well cooked, turn off the fire and set aside for a few minutes.
  • When everything is slightly warm, carefully remove the potatoes from the water and place them in a separate dish. Then pour the liquid into a jug.
  • Pour yourself a glass and enjoy!

2. Potato skins to treat dandruff

Potato skins are suitable for making a tonic to fight dandruff. Follow the recipe below.


  • The juice of 2 lemons.
  • 4 glasses of water.
  • 20 drops of iodine.
  • Potato skins weighing 4 kg.


  • Heat the water in a pot. When it boils, add the potato skins to it. Boil them for 15 minutes, then remove from heat and strain the mixture.
  • After it has cooled down, add the iodine drops and lemon juice. Pour this mixture into a bottle and store it in a safe place.
  • You can apply it to your hair after washing as usual. Repeat the procedure every time you wash your hair. You can even use it with dandruff.

3. Potato water to remove kidney stones

When you’ve been diagnosed with kidney stones, one of the top recommendations is to drink plenty of water throughout the day to help dissolve and expel the stones naturally. At the same time, avoid caffeinated drinks and stimulants as they hinder the whole process.


  • 5 potatoes.
  • 4 glasses of water.


  • First, wash the potatoes thoroughly to get rid of all the dirt.
  • Now pour the water into a bowl or pot.
  • Then add the potatoes and let them soak overnight.
  • The next day, take the potatoes out of the water and drink the liquid. Thus, its diuretic effect will help eliminate or prevent kidney stones.

4. Mask reducing skin imperfections

To reduce skin imperfections, in addition to the treatment prescribed by a dermatologist, there are those who believe that they can also benefit from a face mask that is based not only on the properties of potatoes but also turmeric.

Person with freckles


  • 2 glasses of milk.
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric.
  • Peel from 5 washed potatoes.
  • 1 cup of plain yogurt


  • First, add the potato skins and milk to the bowl, soak them for two hours.
  • After two hours, add a little yogurt and mix well. Put the preparation aside overnight.
  • The next morning, add a teaspoon of turmeric and mix.
  • When everything turns creamy, apply the preparation on the skin and leave it for half an hour. Then rinse thoroughly with water.

Don’t throw those potato skins away!

When it comes to health and beauty, it is definitely worth taking advantage of the benefits of the potato skin. Don’t throw them away the next time you make a meal with this vegetable!

Of course, these home remedies should not be used as a substitute for treatment prescribed by a specialist. However, they can be a good supplement to help you feel better and eliminate symptoms much faster.

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