Onion Juice – How To Obtain And Use It?

Onion juice is great for treating burns, insect bite marks and strengthening hair.
Onion juice - how to obtain and use it?

You can either love onions or hate them. This popular vegetable belongs to the asparagus family and due to its strong, characteristic smell it is used as an ingredient in dishes in cuisines all over the world. But onions have much more to offer than just culinary qualities. Onion juice  has strong medical properties.

Our grandmothers used onion juice to prepare healing, care and beautifying mixtures. Although many people find it hard to believe, this inconspicuous vegetable has many medical uses that are often underestimated.

Onion Juice: Lots of Benefits

  • Onion juice is an important source of allicin,  which is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It also improves blood circulation.
  • Onions have anti-cancer properties.
  • In onions you will find a lot of important minerals such as sulfur, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, and vitamins – including vitamins C, E, B6 and folic acid.
  • The action of onions also lowers blood sugar levels.
Onion juice can be used for health and beauty.

So you can now start to enjoy the various benefits of onions. It is the onion juice and the health benefits of its use that are the main topic of our today’s article.

Yes, onions don’t smell very nice. But it is easy to prepare, and its regular use guarantees many beneficial effects for health and beauty.

Onion juice


For starters, choose two or three medium onions. Adjust their number to the amount of juice you want to get. Then prepare the following utensils and accessories so that you can easily get onion juice:

  • a sharp knife
  • teaspoon
  • juicer or blender (preferably a cup blender)
  • medium-sized glass jar with a tight cap
  • a strainer that fits the size of the jar
After juicing, it is best to keep the juice in a closed jar.

The method of obtaining juice

  • Cut both ends of the onions with a knife and peel the top skin.
  • Then wash the onions thoroughly.
  • Later, cut each of them into 6 pieces.
  • Place the onion pieces in a juicer or blender and blend for 5 minutes.
  • Finally, pour the juice through the strainer into the jar.
  • Mash the pulp remaining in the strainer with a spoon to squeeze out as much juice as possible.

Here is the onion juice ready! You can use it in various ways to enjoy its health and beauty benefits.

Onion juice to strengthen the hair

Repeat this type of treatment three times a week. You will see that the first effects will appear after a few months.

Other uses

Onion juice can also be used in skin care. Our grandparents treated burns by putting a slice of fresh onion on the skin. It may seem strange, but this method is really effective. Here’s how to apply it in a slightly different version:

  • First, prepare the ointment by mixing a tablespoon of onion juice with a tablespoon of honey in a glass. Mix both ingredients until you get a homogeneous consistency.
  • Then apply such an ointment on burns, stretch marks or scars.
  • Wait 20 minutes, then wash off the ointment with water.
  • If you want to see visible effects, protect your skin from sunlight.
  • Repeat the treatment once a week until the marks on the skin disappear.
Onions effectively heal burns.

These are just two of the most popular uses for onion juice. However, you can also use it for the following purposes:

  • As the onion juice relieves itching, apply a little on the insect bite marks.
  • This simple natural remedy also treats ringworm. Apply the juice for 15 minutes and then rinse it off. Repeat the treatment every day until the disease is cured.

Remember this simple way to get onion juice. You can always keep a small supply in the refrigerator in a closed jar and use it as needed.

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