Banana Skins: 11 Ways To Use Them

When it comes to health issues, the benefits of banana peels applied both topically and as infusions are truly invaluable.
Banana Peels: 11 Ways To Use Them

In today’s article, we’re going to discuss little-known uses for the seemingly insignificant banana peels . Most people do not realize that this part of the fruit also has very valuable and beneficial properties from the point of view of health.

Surely after reading our today’s article, banana peels will stop ending up in the garbage can every time you eat this fruit. Instead, you’ll start to gather and use them diligently – because it will undoubtedly benefit you!

Bananas are one of the most consumed fruits of the year. The reason for this is not only their universal availability at any time of the year. But most of all, they are very tasty and contain numerous nutrients.

These fruits contain significant amounts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They make the banana one of the best foods on the market. It is perfect for the role of a standard diet supplement.

But this is not the end of the beneficial properties of this fruit. In fact, the widely despised banana peel contains more protein than, for example, meat.

They are also a rich source supplying large amounts of amino acids, which are an important building component for your body. Moreover, they taste just as pleasant as the fruit itself.

Therefore, it is worth getting to know their valuable properties just from this. And only then do you look at the various other ways that banana peels can be used.

So we invite you to read!

1. Banana peel as a remedy for headaches

The high potassium content of banana peels is an effective remedy for common non-migraine headaches.


You can drink the infusion from the skins. Or even just put them on your forehead and nape. This in itself can provide a soothing effect for this unpleasant ailment.

2. Warts

The white part of the banana peel is a great solution for all those who would like to get rid of these unsightly warts that tend to appear in different parts of your body.

Their effects are not immediate. But regular compresses of a banana peel applied to the nipple and secured with a plaster or bandage can solve the problem in just a few days.

3. Constipation

One of the keys to solving problems caused by constipation and other digestive problems is to increase your fiber intake.

Since banana peels contain more fiber than fruits themselves, you may want to consider making yourself a peel tea. Or adding them to a cocktail. This will allow you to noticeably improve your health.

4. Acne

The chemicals in the white part of banana peel are good remedies for acne, pimples, and blackheads. Overall, they work well for any skin problems.

Banana for acne

Rub the sore skin with the inside of the banana peels twice a day. As a result, a pimple treated in this way will tend to dry out faster, the inflammation of your skin will be alleviated, and the pores will be less likely to clog.

5. Teeth whitening

Even if the final effect will differ significantly from professional dental whitening, it is still worth rubbing your teeth regularly with the inner side of the banana peel. This will help to effectively reduce yellow discoloration of the teeth.

Daily use of cuticles removes discoloration of tooth enamel, and after a few weeks you will be able to notice whiter and shinier teeth.

6. Relieving insect bites

Rubbing a piece of banana peel over the bites of various insects can reduce inflammation and pain in that area of ​​the body.

Insect bite

It is one of the oldest known methods of alleviating the effects of a mosquito bite.

7. Bruises, abrasions and bruises

The regenerative properties of banana peel are suitable for accelerating the healing of wounds and bruises. Consuming them as an infusion also helps to improve blood circulation and also has a soothing effect when applied topically.

8. Providing shine to furniture

The back side of the banana peel can be used to give a shine to wooden and leather furniture, cookware and other accessories that are negatively affected by the appearance of dust.
Simply rub their surface for three minutes for three minutes, then immediately polish them with a soft, clean cloth.

9. Banana peels can make you feel better

Banana peels contain a concentrated dose of one of the valuable amino acids known as tryptophan. It takes part, inter alia, in the production of serotonin.

The appropriate concentration of this chemical compound (commonly known as the “happiness hormone”) allows us to be in a good mood, feel enthusiastic, energetic to act, and also enjoy our well-being.

One glass of infusion from the rinds of this fruit is also a good solution for stress and mild depression.

10. Shiny shoes

Banana peel can be used to give shine to dull or soiled shoes. In this case, it has an effect similar to that described above for the furniture.

It is enough to rub the shoes with such a skin and then use a soft cloth to give them a shine.

11. Health and condition of the cardiovascular system

Phosphorus and potassium in banana peel are an excellent solution for regulating blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels.

Blood pressure

These essential minerals help to protect the health of your blood vessels, improve blood circulation, and prevent the “bad” cholesterol in your veins from oxidizing.

Of course, this product cannot replace any medications prescribed by your doctor to control the cardiovascular disorders described above.

However, regular consumption of bananas can be a great supplement to keep the proper parameters at the correct level.

What else is worth remembering?

For best results, we recommend using fresh banana peels. If they are left in the refrigerator for a few days, they will lose most of their health-promoting properties.

If you want to store them for a day or two, it’s best to put them in a cool place, away from heat and sunlight.

Before eating or using the peels of bananas in any way, make sure you really wash them thoroughly. This way, you will remove any contamination from both the crops and the methods of transporting and storing the fruit.

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