Cloves For Digestive Problems – How To Use Them

Cloves for digestive problems will quickly bring relief to your stomach.
Cloves for digestive problems - how to use them

Cloves are mainly used as a spice, but did you know that they can also be used for digestive problems? In addition to the fantastic aroma that gives expression to a variety of dishes, this pleasantly fragrant supplement has many health-promoting properties.

Cloves have analgesic, antispasmodic, antibacterial and anesthetic properties, and as we have already mentioned – they perfectly alleviate all stomach ailments.

If you use  cloves for digestive problems , you can expect a reduction in pain, swelling and any infections – these are just some of the benefits.

All kinds of treatments, such as infusions containing cloves, help soothe the effects of indigestion such as gas, nausea and vomiting. Cloves owe this action to a substance known as eugenol.

What are the properties of eugenol?

Eugenol gives cloves their characteristic aroma. In itself, it is a powerful antioxidant that delays cell aging and helps fight heartburn. Eugenol is a yellowish liquid with an intense odor,

It can also be found in allspice, basil, turmeric, bay leaves and cinnamon, but it is found in the highest concentration in cloves.

With eugenol, you can heal digestive problems, respiratory infections, and toothache. It can be used externally or internally, but the latter option is more popular. Eugenol also contains flavonoids. Below you will find some of its most important properties:

woman drinks cloves for digestive problems
  • It made you numb
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties
  • It neutralizes acids
  • It has an anti-emetic effect
  • It is an antioxidant
  • It protects and regenerates the digestive system
  • It works antiviral
  • It is antiseptic.

However, remember not to overuse eugenol, as it  can be toxic in high doses. Especially if you use it in the form of an essential oil. Its use is also not recommended for pregnant women, infants and children under six years of age.

Cloves for digestive problems and improving the work of the digestive system

Cloves can be used in many ways for digestive problems, and seasoning them with them is just one of them. The choice of the appropriate treatment depends on the patient’s taste and his tolerance to spicy flavors – you must remember that cloves have a strong and very characteristic aroma.

Below you will find some natural treatments with the use of cloves:

Clove tea

Clove tea moisturizes the digestive tract and stimulates the digestive system, thanks to which it fights indigestion. It also improves blood flow and also helps fight bad breath.

The most common cause of halitosis is digestive problems that are directly affected by cloves. In addition, the intense aroma of cloves and their bactericidal properties make the smell from the mouth more pleasant.

  • To prepare this tea, you only need to grind the cloves and boil the powder in a cup of water.
  • You can drink clove tea in the morning and in the evening on days when you experience digestive discomfort.

Whole cloves

You can use them to flavor your dishes and desserts or just throw them whole instead of gum. Chewing cloves increases the production of saliva as well as gastric juices responsible for digesting food.

cloves for digestive problems

Clove essential oil

You can prepare clove essential oil yourself. All you have to do is pour some high-quality oil over the cloves, such as olive oil, and set aside for a few weeks. As we have already mentioned – you should not abuse this preparation, because in larger amounts it can be poisonous.

  • Pour three drops of the essential oil into a glass of water (200 ml) and drink it when you feel sick or want to stop vomiting.

Clove infusion

Clove infusion is prepared in almost the same way as clove tea, except that you will need whole clove fruits for this recipe. This infusion will help you fight constipation and improve the digestive system.

You can drink a glass of this tea after each meal until your stomach problems stop.

Nature offers us many substances with health-promoting properties, so it is worthwhile to diversify all pharmacological treatments with them. Although cloves won’t help you cure digestive diseases, you can use them effectively to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

If you suffer from chronic stomach problems, do not neglect regular medical appointments and follow a healthy and balanced diet. Also, avoid foods that cause you digestive discomfort.

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