What Is Colostrum And What Are Its Characteristics?

What is colostrum and what are its characteristics?

Some people say that colostrum is “liquid gold” because it is rich in ingredients that have a significant impact on the health of a newborn baby. This is why breastfeeding is so important.

Colostrum is a substance present in the first stage of breastfeeding and its properties are quite significant. This is one of the reasons why babies should be breastfed, especially right after they are born.

More specifically, colostrum precedes the flow of milk from the mother’s breast and is secreted by the glands of the mammary glands. It is present during pregnancy and for several days after giving birth.

This natural food contains everything an infant needs early in life. This is why some people refer to colostrum as “liquid gold”. This is the best thing a mother can feed her baby after it is born.

What exactly is colostrum?

Breastfeeding woman

This dense secretion is often yellowish in color, although it can also be transparent. Its production begins around the third month of pregnancy. Normally, it should be the first food your baby drinks.

The amount of colostrum increases if your newborn is fed regularly. It can jump up to 20 milliliters per feed, enough to cover your baby’s needs during the first three days after birth. Note that this fluid doesn’t only appear in humans. It is present in most mammals.

Some also describe it as the first milk produced by the mother after birth. It is a wonderful nutrient that provides the newborn baby with immune protection. You may even be tempted to say that this substance works as a vaccine for the newborn.

Properties of colostrum

Colostrum is pale at first, then turns yellow. The mother’s breast milk then becomes lighter in color, and after three or four days it takes on a characteristic light yellow color. However, it is a transitional milk. This means that it is not the same as in other animals. It contains more nutrients.

The mother is able to produce seven to 120 milliliters of colostrum a day. This substance has the same taste as amniotic fluid and therefore makes the baby feel safe. Such continuity helps him adapt to his new life.

Mother’s milk also contains powerful nutrients and ingredients with antibiotic properties. However, colostrum has a higher concentration of proteins, vitamins, carotenes, and minerals.

The main benefits of colostrum

A newborn baby is breastfed

First of all, colostrum fully meets the energy needs of a newborn baby. It also prepares his body for the next feeds, as it supports the development of his intestine and allows his kidneys to function properly.

One of the biggest benefits of consuming this substance is that it has a high concentration of immunoglobulins. They allow the newborn to defend against bacterial and viral infections.

In addition, it contains beta-carotenes. It is the element that gives milk its yellowish color and acts as a precursor to vitamin A.

Vitamin A also plays a key role in protecting against infection and helps the baby’s retina to develop properly. In addition, colostrum provides significant doses of white blood cells, which help protect against the development of infectious processes.

Other interesting facts

Some women feel insecure during the first days of breastfeeding because although their breasts are firm, they cannot see any milk coming out of them. Therefore, they feel that they are not feeding their baby.

This is a misconception because colostrum flows out of them only in small amounts. She definitely meets the needs of a child, despite the fact that she is very subtle.

Some adults consume bovine colostrum because it is a very powerful supplement for people who are physically active. This substance also helps treat Crohn’s disease, oxidative stress, and ulcerative colitis. What’s more, it also strengthens the immune system.

Healthcare professionals emphasize the importance of breastfeeding, especially during the first few days of a baby’s life. As we noted earlier, colostrum plays a key role in the development of an infant.

It influenced not only the first year of his life, but also all of his later life.

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