Fluid Retention? Fight Her With Parsley And Lemon

The diuretic properties of this drink make it an excellent remedy for fluid retention in the body or excess toxins and other harmful substances.
Fluid Retention?  Fight it with parsley and lemon

Fluid retention  is a very common metabolic disorder, primarily affecting women. It is not a disease as such, but most often it is a symptom that something in the body is not working as it should.

If you notice that your ankles, legs or abdomen are constantly swollen, you may need to see your doctor for a diagnosis of the problem that may be behind it.

Fluid retention  can be a consequence of poor eating habits or hormonal disorders. Less frequently, it may also indicate problems with the kidneys, liver and circulation.

If you want to deal with this symptom in a natural way, be sure to try the parsley and lemon drink!

Fluid retention is not always a sign of a serious health problem. The easiest way to say is that it is a symptom that your body is not fully coping with the removal of harmful waste products and toxins.

Nevertheless, it is worth going to the doctor and asking them to find out the cause of the problem.

Most often, in the case of fluid retention in the body, a simple and slight change of habits to healthier ones is enough to forget about swelling once and for all. Below you will find a recipe for a parsley and lemon drink that will surely help you with this.

Fluid Retention – A very common problem

There are people among us who are much more prone to such ailments as fluid retention in the body. These are mainly people who:

  • suffer from cardiovascular disease
  • are going through menopause
  • are obese or overweight
  • suffer from heart disease
  • are taking medications to alter hormone levels
  • suffer from hypothyroidism
  • spend a lot of time standing

If you also find your own features in the above characteristics, perhaps you are also at risk, which may struggle with the problem of water retention in the body. The first thing you should do is see a doctor. Then, you can enrich the recommended treatments with natural remedies and change some eating habits.

Fluid retention and pain in the leg caused by it

In the case of patients struggling with kidney or heart diseases at the same time, it is also absolutely recommended to limit salt intake. It is also worth knowing that:

  • The problem of fluid retention worsens with age as blood vessels lose their elasticity and the kidneys and liver are less able to filter and eliminate toxins from the body.
  • Certain postures and habits can make water retention worse. If, due to the nature of your work, you spend long hours standing up, these discomforts can get worse.

Drink with parsley and lemon versus fluid retention

The following way is your morning dose of vitamins and substances that will not only help you deal with the problem of fluid retention in the body, but also give you energy and guarantee the balanced work of internal organs such as the kidneys.

Properties of lemon and parsley

Parsley is a product with many cleansing properties. This is due to numerous antioxidants and vitamin C, which have a great effect on the condition of the liver and heart. What’s more, this plant ensures the elasticity of blood vessels, thus stimulating proper blood circulation.


Lemon, on the other hand, is a fruit with one of the highest levels of vitamin C, citric acid, malic acid and potassium in nature. These ingredients, especially the first one, i.e. vitamin C, will take care of the condition of your body’s tissues and cells.

If you also suffer from fluid retention, don’t hesitate any longer and reach for a drink that will bring you amazing results.

You should drink at least 2-3 cups of parsley and lemon drink every day, and its diuretic properties will help you remove all harmful substances from your body.

Also read: The Amazing Lemon Diet And Its Health Benefits

What will you need?

  • 1 bunch of fresh parsley
  • 1 liter of water
  • the juice of 1 lemon

A method of preparing

  • Start by washing the parsley leaves.
  • Then boil water (250 ml) and then add the parsley.
  • When the infusion is ready, let it sit for a few minutes.
  • Squeeze the lemon juice. You can also grate a little lemon zest.
  • Pour 3 glasses of water into a larger vessel, add lemon juice, zest and previously prepared infusion of parsley.
  • Allow the infusion to infuse for about half an hour, then pour it into a glass bottle.

Every morning, start your day with a glass of this drink on an empty stomach. Then drink two more glasses half an hour before each meal.

Follow this natural method for 7 days in a row, once a month. You can also repeat it every 10 days. You will see that the effects will surprise you and you will say goodbye to fluid retention and swelling once and for all!

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