Cleansing Smoothie For Flatulence And Adipose Tissue

It is worth supporting the body’s natural cleansing of toxins and harmful metabolic products with juices and cocktails made of natural products. It is an effective and healthy way to get a shapely figure and feel good.
A bloating and fatty tissue cleansing smoothie

Cleansing smoothies, juices or cocktails are the perfect complement to a healthy diet and help you deal with flatulence and excess belly fat. Drinks of this type, prepared with one hundred percent natural products, are the most effective ways to cleanse and maintain the proper functioning of the colon.

In turn, getting rid of toxins and other harmful substances from the body is necessary if we want to enjoy not only good condition, but also figure. A cleansing smoothie  will help you achieve both of these goals – it will help you deal with flatulence and get rid of excess body fat.

The colon is one of the organs of the excretion system that is sometimes unable to remove all waste products and toxins. These are primarily substances deposited in our body from processed food, polluted environment and many chemicals that we encounter every day.

The toxins remaining in the colon, in turn, can lead to inflammation in the body, and consequently – to many serious diseases and ailments.

Fortunately, natural methods such as juices or cleansing smoothies will provide you with the right dose of vitamins and minerals, while taking care of your health and figure.

Do you want to know more? Be sure to read on for a cleansing smoothie recipe!

Colon cleansing smoothie and its ingredients

The body cleansing process should take about two weeks. During this time, you should avoid any products containing dairy, fats or sugars.

You should also give up all processed foods and fast food. To help you understand how the cleansing smoothie will work on your body, we’ll discuss its ingredients and health benefits below.

Properties of pineapple

Pineapple is a tropical fruit characterized primarily by a high content of water and digestive enzymes, as well as antioxidants. It is also a source of vitamins A, B and C and minerals such as iron, magnesium and zinc.

Sliced ​​pineapple

Pineapple is almost 85% water, which makes it so low in calories and diuretic. Bromelain is a natural enzyme that reduces inflammation, fights constipation, and increases red blood cell production.

This is why pineapple is effective in improving digestion and combating intestinal parasites.   It is also one of the best allies in the fight against cellulite and fatty tissue.

Cucumber and its properties

Cucumbers are one of the most complete and healthy vegetables in the world. They are a source of dietary fiber, antioxidants and alkaline substances. Cucumber consists of almost 97% of water, but it is loaded to the brim with vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as minerals. Especially calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Cucumber has a diuretic effect, thanks to which it helps to deal with fluid retention in the body and the accompanying inflammation. This vegetable has a positive effect on the condition of people struggling with hypertension, digestive disorders or even gout.

The benefits of eating apples

Apples are a source of pectin, a dietary fiber that regulates bowel movements and helps to regulate blood cholesterol levels. These fruits are anti-inflammatory, improve digestion, and control acidity in the stomach and blood.

Green apples

One apple a day is a source of health that is hard to resist! This will help you deal with overweight and rheumatoid and cardiovascular diseases.

The benefits of aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel contains 19 out of 22 essential amino acids; has a great effect on the skin, helps to get rid of acne, stretch marks and cellulite. Its laxative effect helps to remove toxins from the body and relieve inflammation of the abdominal cavity.

It also contributes to the improvement of intestinal processes. The properties of aloe are also helpful in a slimming diet – aloe gel improves metabolism and accelerates fat burning.

Oranges and their properties

The final ingredient in a cleansing smoothie is oranges. These fruits are distinguished by their high content of vitamins C, A, B and E. In addition, they have a cleansing and disinfecting effect; they effectively support the removal of toxins from the body, especially from the colon, kidneys and liver.

Orange particles

Oranges are rich in antioxidants, i.e. substances that reduce the activity of free radicals, which accelerate the processes of degeneration and aging of cells. So these exotic fruits are perfect for both your health and your beauty.

Recipe for a cleansing smoothie

The cleansing and slimming smoothie made of the ingredients described above is extremely tasty, healthy and, in addition, easy to prepare. It does not require a lot of time or money. Good luck and cheers!

Green cleansing smoothie

What exactly will you need?

  • 1 slice of pineapple
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1 green apple
  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
  • the juice of 1 orange
  • 1/2 cup of water

A method of preparing

  • Put all ingredients in a blender and blend thoroughly until smooth.
  • Then serve and drink immediately after preparation.
  • Drink before breakfast every day for 2 weeks in a row.

For complete cleansing, supplement the fruit treatment with regular drinking of water. The daily dose is 6 to 8 glasses a day.

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