Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome – What Is It?

Newborn abstinence syndrome often causes fever, sweating and agitation in the baby.
Newborn abstinence syndrome - what is it?

Neonatal abstinence syndrome is a set of symptoms a baby experiences at birth when the mother has abused certain medications during pregnancy. In fact, it can happen both before and after birth.

Newborn abstinence syndrome can occur in a pregnancy in which the mother uses drugs such as heroin, methadone, and even marijuana. Alcohol is also important. Many types of substances pass through the placenta, which are responsible for the onset of addiction in a child even before birth.

Therefore, the fetus becomes addicted to that drug, drug or substance, just like the mother. Unfortunately, it is estimated that every tenth child had contact with drugs while in the womb. In this article, we explain what newborn abstinence syndrome is and how to avoid it.

Neonatal abstinence syndrome – what are the causes of this phenomenon?

Abstinence syndrome in a newborn

As already mentioned, neonatal abstinence syndrome occurs when the mother takes drugs or drugs during pregnancy. However, this does not apply to all medications. In order for this pathology to occur, drugs must penetrate the placenta and reach the fetus. In addition, they must be substances that cause addiction.

This syndrome can occur both before and after birth:

  • Prenatal withdrawal syndrome. It occurs when the mother stops taking substances while she is still pregnant. This means that the baby suffers from the syndrome while still in the womb.
  • Postpartum withdrawal syndrome. It occurs when the mother continues to take the substance until the delivery itself. The syndrome occurs because the baby stops having contact with these substances after birth. She is no longer connected to her mother.

What substances can cause withdrawal syndrome in a newborn?

As already mentioned, most drugs act on the unborn child. However, it is true that some substances cause this syndrome more often than others.

First of all, it’s important to know that opiates cause this problem in more than half of children. This means that mothers who use heroin or methadone have a 50% risk that their baby will suffer from neonatal withdrawal syndrome.

Although many are unaware of it, drinking alcohol during pregnancy is one of the most harmful to your baby. Alcohol also causes this syndrome. In addition, it can lead to very serious pathologies such as developmental defects and mental retardation.

On the other hand, the same thing happens with amphetamines and barbiturates. Barbiturates are anxiolytic and sedative substances that are consumed by large sections of the population, although they should only be prescribed by prescription.

However, cocaine cannot cause this syndrome. This does not mean, however, that the drug is not toxic to the fetus. In fact, many studies claim that cocaine use causes abnormal development of the fetus in the womb.

Addictive substances

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of neonatal withdrawal syndrome depend on the substance causing it. Moreover, they differ depending on when the substance was last taken. Symptoms usually begin the day after the baby is born, or even five days later. Each child experiences this situation differently.

The most common symptoms are:

  • Tremors and convulsions.
  • The child is very irritable, cries constantly and very loudly.
  • I have trouble sleeping.
  • Muscle tension.
  • The baby has difficulty sucking and is therefore not properly nourished. He may also vomit.
  • Diarrhea, dehydration and excessive sweating are also common symptoms.

Interestingly, premature babies tend to have milder symptoms and heal faster. However, most of them experience fever and nasal congestion.


The only way to avoid neonatal abstinence syndrome is that mothers avoid using psychoactive substances during pregnancy, bearing in mind that their consumption may affect the fetus. If you are pregnant, if possible try not to take any medications during this period.

If, on the other hand, you know the mother who is in this situation, try to consult your doctor. It will certainly help you advise or encourage her to quit smoking or taking addictive substances. Any precautionary measures to protect your baby are not in vain.

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