Sick Tonsils? – Meet The Best Home Remedies

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Sick tonsils?  - Learn the best home remedies

If you belong to the group of people who had their tonsils removed in childhood , you will certainly experience an unpleasant pharyngitis from time to time. Infected tonsils  are nothing more than inflammation of the fleshy masses on both sides of the throat, responsible for filtering bacteria that enter our mouth every day.

Today we would like to offer you some proven home remedies for natural and body-safe relief of tonsillitis.

Tonsils – what is their function and why are they susceptible to infections?

Sick, infected tonsils are usually associated with childhood. Until recently, specialists recommended their complete removal, but nowadays the belief is that the tonsils perform an important function in our body, and their cutting adversely affects our overall health.

Popular tonsils are lymph nodes located at the back of the mouth, above the throat cavity. They play a very important role in our body: they are a barrier to bacteria and other harmful microorganisms that penetrate our mouths with the air we breathe and the food we eat.

Another very popular form of infection is also direct contact with people who are developing tonsillitis. Find out about the most common symptoms that indicate sick tonsils.

The most popular symptoms of tonsillitis

  • Pain when swallowing food and drink caused by an inflamed throat.
  • Increased body temperature or fever .
  • Severe sore throat that lasts more than two days.
  • Tonsillitis can also be accompanied by pain and an ear infection. It happens when inflammation spreads to the auditory system.
  • General fatigue of the body, a feeling of complete exhaustion.

Home remedies for sick tonsils

1. Garlic – the best natural remedy

Garlic is undoubtedly one of the most effective and powerful natural remedies widely used around the world.

As we have already written many times, this aromatic vegetable has strong antibacterial properties and is a strong natural antibiotic that effectively fights infections and inflammations, among other things, it perfectly supports the treatment of sick tonsils.

Fresh garlic cloves

In what form should garlic be consumed to take full advantage of all its health properties? The best way to use garlic medicinally is to eat one clove each morning on an empty stomach with a glass of water.

See for yourself that with the help of garlic, the infection of the tonsils will gradually begin to subside. However, if you include garlic permanently in your daily diet, your body’s immunity will increase and you will be less and less susceptible to diseases and infections of the throat.

2. Rinsing the mouth with a solution of lemon and baking soda

How to prepare a natural lemon solution with baking soda ? The recipe is extremely simple: squeeze the juice of one lemon, mix it with a glass of water (200 ml) and add a teaspoon of baking soda. Thoroughly mix all ingredients together.

Soda and lemon

Use the solution as a mouthwash. Use it five times a day for five days in a row. The effects should appear after a few days.

3. Mouthwash based on lemon and salt

We have written many times about the strong antibacterial properties of lemon, it’s time to put them into practice! If you want to relieve the symptoms of tonsillitis, prepare a special mouthwash that will effectively kill bacteria and reduce inflammation.

For this, stock up on lemon and salt. First, squeeze the juice of one lemon and mix it with a glass of water (200 ml). Finally, add a tablespoon of salt and mix the resulting solution thoroughly.

This recipe is the same as the previous one, but instead of baking soda, add a tablespoon of salt. In order to quickly note the healing effects, it is recommended to rinse the mouth five times a day for several days in a row.

See for yourself that this technique for treating tonsillitis is the best and most effective!

4. Chamomile and sage infusion for sick tonsils

Both chamomile and sage are perfect for fighting infections of the throat and tonsils. Their valuable natural antiseptic and bactericidal properties effectively soothe inflammation and make the tonsils recover in the blink of an eye.

A natural mouthwash based on chamomile and sage is very easy to prepare. Make an infusion of 15 grams of dried chamomile and 15 sage leaves. Pour it all over with a liter of boiling water and then set aside for about 10 minutes. Drink this infusion four times a day, slowly, in small sips.

Chamomile infusion

Make sure the infusion is sufficiently cool as too high a temperature can exacerbate a throat infection.

5. Oregano mouthwash

What does oregano have to do with a tonsil infection? Well, this spice is an excellent natural antiseptic and a powerful anti-inflammatory agent.

People who often struggle with throat and tonsil infections know perfectly well that oregano is their great ally in this strenuous fight.

How do I prepare an aromatic mouthwash? It is enough to prepare an infusion of one tablespoon of dried oregano. Pour a glass of boiling water over it, set aside to cool, pour it through a strainer and it’s ready! There are two forms of infusion to choose from – as a mouthwash or as a healing tea.

Regardless of the method of use chosen, both the mouthwash and the tea should be consumed several times a day, every few hours.

6. Rosemary mouthwash

Rosemary is an excellent support in the natural treatment of pharyngitis and tonsillitis. This aromatic plant has strong antiseptic properties, helps to relieve pain and inflammation, heals infections … In short, it is an indispensable tool in the fight against common tonsil diseases.

Infusion of rosemary

To prepare this 100% natural mouthwash, you should first get the following ingredients:

  • half a cup of white wine (100 ml)
  • two tablespoons of honey
  • fresh rosemary sprigs.

Then put all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook until the stock starts to bubble. Ready medicine pour through a strainer and set aside to cool.

Use the prepared preparation regularly into the mouth, preferably three times a day. The infusion should be lukewarm or at room temperature, never hot.

At the end

All of the above natural treatments for tonsillitis are equally effective. Choose the one that suits you best. We are convinced that it will help you relieve pain and relief.

However, remember to always consult a doctor in the case of a strong infection of the throat and tonsils, because some infections require special pharmacological treatment, and in this case home remedies are only a supplement to the therapeutic treatment.

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