Washing Your Face – 7 Most Common Mistakes

In order for washing your face to have a cleansing and regenerating effect, you need to focus on the entire process and be careful at every stage of it.
Washing your face - the 7 most common mistakes

Washing your face is usually the simplest part of your daily beauty routine. Therefore, very often people make many mistakes with it. You must remember that some activities may be counterproductive and may even lead to skin problems.

Don’t forget that the complexion is one of the most sensitive areas of your skin and should be handled with special care. Pay attention to what you are doing and change any steps that cause problems.

Today we will show you how to properly carry out the process of washing your face.

1. Washing your face with dirty hands

Not washing your hands right before washing your face is a very common mistake. In fact, many people find it pointless to wash your hands before cleansing your face, especially if you use the same cleansers for that purpose.

Believe it or not, hand washing is essential. This is because our hands are constantly exposed to the bacteria on the surfaces we touch.

Some face cleansers cannot remove these impurities, and if you use them without washing your hands first, you can contaminate the skin.

2. Buying the same products for years

You undoubtedly have your favorite cosmetic, maybe you love it for its freshness, for its beautiful fragrance or for being so soft on the skin. The world around you does not stay the same and your products may lose their properties due to climate change.

face cream

Damp and heat in summer make you sweat more than in dry and frosty winters.  Find out which cleaners are best for the season so you always stay one step ahead of weather changes. Never become attached to just one product.

The perfect face cleanser will remove impurities, makeup and dead skin cells without removing your skin’s natural oils.

Find a remedy to do this (but be careful not to be too gentle as you will have to wash your face twice to get it really clean). You should also avoid products that rub the skin too much, as it will be irritated and dry.

3. Washing face and exfoliation of dead skin

You don’t need to exfoliate your face every day as this can make your skin dry. Some exfoliants can damage the skin because they contain harsh chemicals. In general, it is enough to just wash your face each day.

Ideally, you should perform a facial scrub once a week or twice a month – depending on the remedy you use. In this way, you will properly exfoliate it and keep its natural softness.

4. Rough handling of the skin

Are you the person who dries the face aggressively after washing? Maybe you dry your face with a towel too much, thinking that the harder you do it, the cleaner your face becomes. If this is the case, you are wrong!

In fact, you can do a lot of damage to yourself. Try to carry out all activities (cleansing, exfoliation and drying) with circular, smooth movements. Thanks to this, you will reduce irritation and your skin will be better cleansed.

Once you’re done, pat the skin with a soft towel to dry it. However, be careful not to overdo it and always do it with due care.

5. Washing your face: using the wrong cleanser

You need to know how to use your chosen facial cleanser correctly. It should be absorbed through the pores so that it can reach the deeper layers of the skin. Therefore, you should apply it with gentle, circular and smooth movements.

If you wash your face vertically or horizontally, you need a lot more time for your cosmetic to be properly absorbed. Try to follow our instructions and you will find that while it is a slower washing method, it will bring you many benefits.

6. Wrong water temperature

There is a belief that hot water opens the pores while cold water closes them. While this is a common belief, it has little to do with reality. Your pores don’t have muscles to open or close them.

You must remember that if you wash your face with hot water, you can damage the natural oils that protect your facial skin. This can lead to uncontrolled dryness and reduce sebum production.

It is best to use warm water as it does no harm and makes it easier to remove contaminants. Warm water is also much more enjoyable than a cold or hot stream.

7. Insufficient facial rinsing

Facial care does not end with washing it. It’s really just getting started, because once your face is clean, you can use a toner, moisturizer, and other protective measures to care for it.

After using these products, you need to remember to rinse your face properly, because if you don’t, the cosmetics you use will start to accumulate on the skin.

As a result, the pores become clogged, leading to dry skin and the appearance of pimples.

Washing your face

It is very important to rinse your face thoroughly. You need to pay special attention to this in the morning when you are sleepy and in the evening when you are tired. Don’t forget to thoroughly wash your jawline, hairline and nose, these three areas are easy to miss.

Maybe you’ve made some of these mistakes more than once while washing your face, or maybe they’re not what you expected. Maybe you thought all you needed was soap and cold water.

Now you have a whole list of things necessary for proper face care!

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